actually kinda cute idiots

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Florida_MethMan, this book is for you!!

Florida man and Australian man were sitting on a couch next to one another in Grays playthrough. They knew they weren't going to last long so decided to spend as much time with the one person they actually liked as possible. It was very late in the night, and Australian man had yet to get any sleep. As they watched the full blurred pictures from the television, Australian man could feel his eyelids growing heavier. It started with slow blinks, to him resting his eyes. Florida man noticed, and at first was confused before deciding to shrug it off. Australian man opened his eyes once more and had them fixed on the television.

He saw something that vaguely reminded him of a scorpion and tried to go off with speaking. His tone was clearly sleepy, even enough for Australian man to notice. "Aye,, Mate, you know- *yawn* you know back.. in.. Stralia..." He couldn't even finish his thought before he drifted to sleep. That itself wasn't odd on it's own, but what was odd was the fact when he basically passed out, his head landed on Florida Mans shoulder. He was slumped down a bit to do so. Florida didn't really know what to do. He awkwardly sat there until after a moment or two Australian man woke back up.

He didn't at first realize what had happened. He was very, very tired and pretty drunk too. After a second of blurred vision and confusion, he realized what he was doing and abruptly sat up, causing Florida man to laugh at the situation. Australian man was slightly embarrassed and told Florida man "Oh shut it, will you Drongo" Florida man didn't understand half of that sentence but eventually calmed down his laughter. He was still pretty dang amused though.

Australian man, though now determined not to do that again, was extremely tired. God... his vision was blurred and you could tell from half a glance at him that this man needed sleep. Australian man looked at him for a good while before telling him. "Ya know, I didn't really mind." Catching Australian man off guard "What-" he managed to say before Florida man clarified "If you need to sleep, I won't laugh if you do it here." Australian man staired at his friend. He was so tired... but he couldn't just go and do that.

He said "No- I'm,, I'm fine.. I'm not tired." Then a yawn gave him away. Florida man smiled and Australian man sighed. "Seriously Mate, if it gets that bloody bad I'll just sleep on the floor." Florida man that made the observation. "True, but I'm fatter then the floor." Australian man, confused asked "What does that have to do with anything?" And then Florida man continued "I basically have the complex of a pile of drug covered marshmallows, that has alot more padding then the carpet ever could!" This actually caused Australian man to chuckle. He thought 'Crickey... What a f*cking dork.' In the nicest way possible.

Australian man declined saying "Nah, I think I'll go get a beer." He got up and sleepily walked to the kitchen and decided to have his drink there. When he returned to the room he realized Florida man had passed out of the couch... Taking up the entire couch. Australian man sighed and was about to just lay on the floor when he thought. "How comfortable is he to lay on?.."

In his drunken and super tired state of mind he figured he'd give it a try and just kinda layed down on the couch,, directly where Florida man already was. Holy crap, he was right. He was taller then the other man so it was a bit awkward but he didn't care. Being laid on top of woke Florida man up. He didn't say anything though, not until Australian man was already half asleep when he pointed out "That's pretty gay dude.." Obviously as a joke. Australian man being half asleep and drunk, sat up just enough to look Florida man in the eyes, kissed him on the forehead, and them passed out completely.

Graystillplays- Florida/Australian man oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora