Bet pt.1

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Australian man was in trouble. This was a phrase heard often but this time he actually cared. Him and Florida man had made a wager. That sentence alone was bad enough, but even worse was that he had lost. Not good. Not good at all. Even Australian man knew how much he had messed up. Normally he had no shame, but right now he had just a little shame..

Australian man and Florida man had made a bet on who could go the longest without setting fire. Australian man had tried to make hotdogs and they spontaneously burst into flames. So he lost..

But what would he have to do as a result? That question gave Australian man a bit of anxiety, but he was ready to accept the consequences. Florida man was standing smugly in the doorway as Tim Horton put out the fire. Australian man avoided his gaze before he sighed and looked back at Florida. "You won, you can stop staring now you drongo.." Florida man still didn't understand Australian slang but continued to smugly smile at the other. Australian man sighed at the look. "In my defense," he began "down is Stralia, our food could have took on that grill."

Florida man laughed "Yeah, but you aren't down in Stralia, and I won." He was extremely smug about the whole thing. "And now," Australian man continued "you have to do whatever I say for the rest of the day!" Australian man didn't like how excited Florida man sounded. "Crieky..." Australian man sighed before deciding to just accept it. This was Florida man after all, how smart of a plan could he come up with?

"Alright old mate, what'll it be then?" Australian man asked leaving Florida man confused. "... What do you want me to do?" Australian man clarified. "Oh-!" Florida seemed to get it now. "Well for starters let's go down stairs to finish some drugs and piss off our roommates." This didn't seem so bad. Just normal stuff. Once the two of them got downstairs and made a mess of the place by spilling cocaine everywhere, they got told off by thier roommates and a fight broke out. Spleens thought it was pretty cool honestly. It was rather stressful for most people, but the two sims that actually liked each other thought it was funny.

"Now we're going out in matching outfits." This worried Australian man a l o t. "Heh.. like my outfit.. right?" He asked, just slightly hopeful because there were some places he didn't want to get banned from. "No? Like hell I'd wear a shirt! Even if it doesn't have sleeves. We're both wearing towels!" Australian man sighed at Florida mans response. "Seriously mate? Seriously?"

Apparently he was being serious. The two of them were being considered a public disturbance at a nearby bar that was above a lake. Australian man didn't actually mind the lack of clothes, but Florida man had such uncomfortable shoes.. ofcourse his friend thought it was hilarious to see him stumble around though. Eventually they got caught up to by the police and they jumped into the lake to avoid them. They both found that fun.

As they walked back to the house, soaking wet they got to chatting about alligators and roadkill. Once they return to the house they both change to thier usual clothes. And Florida man told Australian man. "Alright bud, I'm only gonna make you do one more thing." Australian man chuckled, internally confused on what one thing would be so worth it that Florida man would give up the rest of his day for it.

"Alright Mate, lay it on me." Australian man thought he was prepared for anything. Florida man responded "Kiss me."

Australian man was not prepared for that.

Graystillplays- Florida/Australian man oneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ