Grim fate

954 29 14

TW: (non permanent) death

Florida man had been dreading it. The music cue that comes up so often in Grays houses, the urge to run and see. Someone had died. And not just anyone, Australian man had died. Florida ran to the scene.

Australian man had drowned to death after passing out from exhaustion. His body was still underwater when Florida man arrived. Florida mans eyes widened and filled with tears. "No.." he muttered out "No not again..." He just couldn't deal with watching his best friend die again. What made it worse is that Australian man was only the second one to go. All the other sims were too far away to get there yet. Tears flooded down Florida man's face. "Oh God..." he tried to whipe all the tears away.

As always, Grim appeared to collect the earlier sims souls... this place had become a very frequent stop for death. The dark figure paid no mind to anyone as he got out his stone slab to record it. Florida man got 'the presence of death' moodlet. He didn't look up, not just yet. It hurt to think Australian man would be officially gone soon... Grim was going about his business. It was nothing new for him really. Florida heard him starting to finish up and his heard almost stopped. "Wait-!" He said, finally looking up.

Grim looked back to Florida man, confused. Florida kinda put himself on the spot, but his plan was to start pleading. "Grim- look I know this is your job.." he began, trying to dry his tears still "And I know you don't normally but.. please." Normally, Florida man would be very proud. Very.. unlike this. But desperate times call for desperate actions.

"Please let Australian man live.. just a little longer atleast. It's too early to loose him." Florida man knew good and well wailing would get him nowhere and cause him humiliation so he tried to act as serious as he could without crying. Grim stayed silent for a moment or two before responding "You know it's pointless, right? Soon enough one of you is going to die." Florida man slowly nodded. He was thinking about giving up but ultimately refused the idea. "I.. I know, Grim, but please. He's my best friend. The only guy that'll come with me to a cocaine run and liquor store robbery in one night. He doesn't deserve to go so early... Please."

The Grim stayed silent as he thought. He thought and he thought until he seemed to have ultimately made his decision. "You are lucky mortal. Today I'm feeling generous." Florida mans eyes lit up. "Holy f*ck, thank you-!" He was interrupted "Stand back." The Reaper commanded. Florida man did so and waited eagerly to get Australian man back. Grim worked his magic, wich was honesty quite a sight but Florida didn't care. All he cared about was getting back his friend right now.

With the assistance of magic, Australian mans body was taken from the water and stood up on two feet. Grim dissapeared. After a moment Australian man opened his eyes "Crieky.." he muttered, rubbing his eye. He didn't know was happening until Florida man lunged into a hug, tackling him to the ground as they landed on the grass. Florida was crying again, this time with happier reasoning. "Woah, mate-!" Australian man managed to say before Florida kissed him for a moment and went on about how he was back. Australian man took a moment to process it before smiling. He kissed him cheek and then they went back to the game, to commit many felonies.

Graystillplays- Florida/Australian man oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now