Chapter 2: Take Off Your Shirt

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"Stay right there, Sir." I come out with as soon as I see him pick up his feet. He places it back down in the same spot.

"Hurry up, Mr. Anderson." He states with clenched teeth. I scurry to the supply closet and grab the broom. I begin to sweep every area of tile I see just in case.

As I reach Mr. Blunt I sweep around his feet carefully. "Sir." I say as I point the broom towards his feet. He picks one up and places a hand on my shoulder and does the same with the other.

I go around him and finish up sweeping. I decide to sweep the floor again since there's a possibility I missed a few little pieces of glass.

I finish up sweeping once again and return the broom to the supply closet.

"Heres a new shirt." Mr.Blunt says as he hands over a white dress shirt. I look at it suspiciously but grab it anyway. "Take off your shirt, you could wash it here." He continues.

I continue to stay quiet as I look up at my boss. "Are you sure? This is quite expensive, I could go home like this and wash my shirt by myself."

"That's the longest statement you've ever spoken to me," He says as his pink lips form a smirk.

Giving him a blank look I unbutton my plaid shirt and he grabs it from me right after. As I slide on the new shirt, Mr.Blunt leaves the room.


Walking up to the huge door after my long one day off, where I sit home and watch Netflix all day, I unlock the door with the key Mr.Blunt personally gave me.

I walk inside and place my coat, converse, and backpack in the same exact spot as I always do. Slipping on my house shoes I decide that today I'll start off cleaning the rooms and work my way to the kitchen.

I enter one of the hallway bathrooms and quickly wipe the counters, mirrors, and spray up the tub to wipe down later. As I clean around the toilet I notice a woman's underwear behind it. Ew, gross. Should I grab it now? I shudder and remind myself to come back for it later.

Does Mr.Blunt have any lady friends? Margaret... No.

"I'm prettier than her," I whisper to myself while smirking.

"Are you smiling?" A familiar husky Italian voice says. I look up quickly to see a messy haired, gorgeous man looking down at me with an all so familiar smirk on his plump lips. His sweatpants hung very low on his waist which should have revealed a pair of expensive boxers but instead nothing but a trail of happiness.

Okay but dude I just got here and he's already stalking me creepy as fuck. Should I be worried?

Does he not have boxers on? He shouldn't do that while I'm here. You know what, he can do whatever he wants, I'm not complaining.

"Oh by the way I'm staying home to do work today." He says. "Seriously though were you really smiling, I wouldn't have expected to ever see that expression across you face. Even though it was a slight one..."

"No Sir, I don't smile- ever." I state very sternly. He shrugs his shoulders as he stares at me. I continue to keep the silence and tear my eyes from Mr. Blunt. I wrap some toilet paper quickly around my hand and grab the underwear from behind the toilet. I show it expectantly to him as he grows an ever confused look.

"Why do you have that? You brought a girl here?" He asks very calmly. Obviously he was joking, I would never seem as the type to bring a woman to someone else's home. Do I? "It's okay you can tell the truth, vuoto~." He smirks letting the accent roll thickly off his tongue.

I stare blankly back at him as his expression falls back into a stone cold stare as well.

"You may need to start being more respectful- or there may end up to be some major consequences," He licks his lips as he crosses his arms over his bare chest. "You can only clean the study when I'm here so don't go in unless I'm there, understand?"

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