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The bell on the door rang, and Asher looked up from behind a door.
A cute costumer came in, they looked around a bit, said something to themselves, and read the sign at the front of the shop, then sat down at a table. His table.
He smiled, and stood from the wooden chair that was in the back room, then left it, watching as the costumer semi-silently read the menu.
"Hello. How may I help you?" He asked, waiting for the customer to look up and reply.
"Oh, I'll have.. the Coffee Jelly and.. some orange juice, please." They smiled up at him, making eye contact. He stared back, some blush dusting his cheeks as they did, he felt his eyes start to change a bit and quickly replied. "Ok. I'll be back with your order soon."
He then walked away, and into the kitchen to give the order to the chef, and then, out again and into the back room, plopping himself into an uncomfortable wooden chair.
"Woah.." Asher let out a deep breath, thinking about the person that was outside at his table, his face becoming redder as he thought.
He imagined them in some cute outfits, sleeping on his lap, smiling and laughing at him, he almost didn't hear the bell from the door he was so caught up with the thoughts.
He looked out the window to see a familiar face, Eiya, a regular at the shop, who he had gotten on good terms with. He peered out the window and saw that the new person waved her over, and he felt a twinge of anger.
Then was surprised. "What was that about...?" He asked himself, before shaking his head and walking out to take her order as well.
"Hey Eiya, back again?" Asher asked, his brows were slightly furrowed though. "This guy your new friend?"
"Yeah. Met them just today, bumped into me while I was walking home."
He hummed. "Well, what do you want?"
"The usual Cherry Bomb Avalanche." She said, slightly bored, sneaking a glance at them.
'Don't look at them..' he clenched his teeth, which was unnoticed by the person and Eiya.
"Got it." He said, turning to the person and his demeanor changed slightly. "She's gonna get her order first just because her order takes less time, though you'll get your juice when she gets hers." He explained to the person, smiling.
"Thanks." The person smiled back as he walked away to give the order to the chef again, and back to the back room.
"Why were you looking at them?" He paced angrily, his outfits shoes clacking against the hardwood floor. "You don't deserve to-" he snapped himself out of his thoughts.
"What the hell?" He rubbed his face. "Why am I suddenly so angry....?" He sighed and sat back down on the chair, and decided on thinking about the person again.
"I should ask their name.." he thought for a moment then nodded. "I'll make it seem casual though when I bring out Eiya's food and their drink."
There was a bang on the door, and the chef was holding a plate with the dessert Eiya had ordered, as well as one of the cafe's cute cups holding some orange juice.
He got up, and stepped out of the room, taking the two things and walking towards their table, they were talking about something.
"... the reason I took the commission last minute.."
Eiya hummed, and the waiter came closer with the items.
"Thank you." Eiya smiled, cutting into the Cherry Bomb Avalanche. It was a cutely decorated lava cake, with a scoop of ice cream on it, with powdered sugar and cherry syrup on top.
"Thanks." The person said to him, and he smiled at them, about to walk away. 'Ok, now turn around sudd-'
"Hey, wait." He turned "I like this place, I'll probably come back, so I'd like to know your name so maybe I can have a conversation with you the next time?"
"Oh." He seemed slightly surprised, his face getting a bit redder. " It's Asher." He smiled again and walked back to the back room.
"Oh my god! They asked my name! They want to talk with me more!" He held his face, closing his eyes, and blush dusting his cheeks, thinking more about the person's cute face.
"Dang it..." he realized "I didn't ask their name!" He leaned back into the wooden chair, covering his eyes. "Maybe I should go back out there and ask..." he thought for a moment, actually standing up and about to leave the room.
"No... ugh..." he sat back down, covering his eyes again. "Maybe... I'll learn it the next time they come.. yeah." He smiled, looking up at the ceiling, deciding to think about the person again.
Cute clothing on them, cuddling with them, running his hands through their (H/C) hair, sleeping with them in bed, serving them food, watching movies with them, going on walks with them, stargazing with them, listening to music with them, not letting anyone get in the way of their relationship, laughing with them, writing cute notes to them, taking cute pictures of them, letting them feed him, dancing with them, no one else with them ever, kissing them passionately, going roller skating, walking in the night, keeping them with him, never leaving him, holding them forever, never letting them go, never.
His mind went to darker places as he sat there, the images in his head of them going from cute things to possessive things. "Never." He said under his breath, not noticing or feeling his eyes pixilate and start to 'drip' then was startled out of his thoughts by the chef banging on the door again.
"Coming!" He said quickly getting up off the seat and out the door to give the person their food. He wanted to ask their name then, but they were in a conversation with Eiya, and a small surge of anger came through him, she got to talk to them, she got to laugh with them, she got to see them.
"Dang! This is better than any coffee jelly that I've ever had!" They laughed at themself. "Maybe that's because I've only ever made it at home, and I've never actually had it made at an actual coffee shop."
Asher hummed with a smile disregarding his anger towards Eiya, and looked over at the person his eyes slightly lidded, saying nothing and walked away again.
He sighed, already being back in the back room. "What's happening today...?" He asked himself, looking at a clock that was in the room for the first time that day.
It was close to the end of his shift, a small smile came across his features, and a thought crossed his mind. 'You can see them again.' He breathed softly. 'you can.' His eyes 'dripped' more, them leaving their old normality. "I can..." he became acutely aware of the ticking from the clock on the wall, and his thoughts diving back into the possessive thoughts he had earlier.
He imagined walking with them.. well more.. walking behind them, watching them walk to wherever they lived. Them not noticing that he was there. "Yeah." His lips curled up into a smile, and snapped himself out of his thoughts to go and change into his casual clothes, and leave.
Once he was done with that, he left the changing room, noticing that the sun was setting and that the person and Eiya were just about to leave.
He held back, waiting for them to leave the cafe so that he could follow them.
They walked for a good while, and they eventually stopped at an apartment building.
"Bye." They waved and entered the building.
"Bye (Y/N)." Eiya waved watching them go, then walked away.
He stood, slightly stunned at their name. "(Y/N)" he said simply. A smile crossing his features again. "(Y/N)" he sighed with exasperation, leaning against the apartment, holding his chest.
"I'll see you soon, (Y/N)."

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