That Night

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Asher was still stunned at learning the person he had met at the cafe's name.
"(Y/N)" he breathed again, leaning against a wall nearby, letting his thoughts wander again. They went into possessive areas, and eventually into giving his the idea to find (Y/N)'s apartment, and then enter it.
He chuckled lightly. "Obviously without them knowing I'm there.." he then remembered that his.. 'features' were out and showing, so he spent some time concentrating on putting them back together, so to speak. He then turned towards the entrance, and entered.
The lobby wasn't too flashy, but it was a pretty place nonetheless. It didn't look like it was a very expensive space, but did have some defining features. A pretty chandelier, a nice big window that wasn't blocked by another building, a community pool, lots of good things.
"May I help you?" Asher turned and saw a well dressed man behind him.
"Yes." He stated. "Do you know where (Y/N) lives?"
"Of course I do. But why do you want to know?" He looked Asher up and down, obviously suspicious.
"I'm their friend, I wanted to surprise them." He shrugged.
"They're actually home right now, so it won't be much of a surprise. But. I can tell you their room number for next time." Offered the man.
"Oh. That would be great!"
"Apartment 394, it's got a blue welcome mat on the floor."
"Thank you so much for your help."
"Of course. Have a good day." The man waved and Asher left, glad that the man didn't give him too much hassle, though was a little surprised. Most apartments didn't just give you the apartment numbers of people unless you had good reason to be there, and he assumed that a surprise for a friend usually wouldn't be a good reason for someone to know, but he didn't complain.
You rolled to the side of your bed, you couldn't get to sleep, but maybe that was just because of your already horrible sleep schedule, or, it was something else.
You jumped slightly after hearing a knock at your door, going to it quickly as another knock was heard. You opened the door seeing the young man that ran the  building standing there.
"Yes?" You asked, raising a brow.
"A little earlier today, a man came in, looking for your room."
"What? Well.. why?"
"He said he knew you, he was a friend."
"I.. don't think I know anyone in this town.." you muttered.
"That's what I feared.." he muttered. "He has your room number, due to a staff member.. I wanted to let you know."
"Ok.." you nodded. "Thanks for telling me."
He nodded in response. "I can supply you with some extra locks if you'd feel safer?"
"Oh, yeah, that'd be great!" You smiled kindly with a nod, and he nodded back.
"They'll be to you by tomorrow, I'll have someone watch your door on the cameras closely." He nodded again before leaving with a wave, you closing and locking your door quickly.
Despite the fact that you hadn't been able to sleep and were extremely tired, that had snapped you into some semblance of consciousness.
Some random person looking for you, sure it could actually just be a really old friend but.. you furrowed your brow, you couldn't think of any close childhood friends that were guys..
You shook your head, going to walk back to your room, rubbing your head before stopping to go back and get a glass of water.
You got it, filling the clear plastic cup full of water from the sink, sipping it quietly in the dark of your apartment, turning to face the window with a tired glare.
You took another sip, you had only just noticed how dry your mouth felt. 'Maybe I should just sleep.. lick the windows too.. just to be safe..' you nodded to yourself, putting the cup down going over to the one huge window in your small apartment. It was really a sliding door, leading to a small balcony.
'Maybe I should put up some extra somethings...' you shook your head, sure it was suspicious that someone claiming to be a friend of yours would come there, but it's not like you'd have a break in..
You shook your head again, still going to lock the door, pulling the apartments curtains over them as well before leaving and heading back to your room.
Lying down, you rolled in the sheets trying to get comfortable before finding a good spot and falling asleep.
Hey there! Authors note!
I just wanted to say, sorry! That I've been gone for so long and that the chapters so short.
I thought I'd be productive over the quarantine but.. obviously not. But hopefully I'm back for awhile with some of the rest of the story.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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