S1 EP 4 (PART 1)

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You, Changbin and Chaewon all work on the project. It takes longer to complete because of the smashed bits and broken electronics. You and Chaewon fall asleep on the couch. Changbin works on the project himself.

Changbin: *softly* "Hey- hey Y/N.. wake up.."

Y/N: *drowsy* "What Chang.. bin..?..."

Changbin: "Do you know where the spare battery is?"

Y/N: *still drowsy* "Bat..tery? What's.. that? Is it a bat called Terry?""

Changbin: "No, its for the circuit"

Y/N: "Circus? I like circuses!" *starts humming the circus theme music*

Changbin: *in his mind* (Its like Y/N is drunk when shes sleeping..) *looks at Chaewon* (Chaewon's out cold, i forgot how cute she was when she was sleeping..but of course..) *looks at you* (I have a cuter toy to mess with..)



You are still half-unconscious and unaware of whats happening. You try and walk around but end up stumbling over Chaewon's leg and fall straight into Changbin's arms.

Y/N: *sleeping soundly*

Changbin: *in his mind&smirking* (of course, breaking a pretty girl's heart is hard to do.. but its so satisfying.. after all, they're all the same.. but what if Y/N is different? Whatever, she's probably as naive as the others. I mean, her reaction that first day was priceless! When I break up with her, it'll feel so good. I've did it to many girls before, another broken heart wont hurt, I mean,  it wont hurt me..) *kisses your forehead* "Good night Y/N"

Y/N: *drowsy* "Good.. night... Changbin.."


You wake up on the sofa with a blanket on you and a pillow under your head. Chaewon is on the floor with a pillow on top of her head. She sits up, confused.

Chaewon: "Seriously Y/N? You woke up in the middle of the night and move me just to sleep on the couch? You didn't even put the pillow under my head like you're supposed to!"

Y/N: "No..  i was asleep the whole time.. unless.."

Chaewon: "..Changbin did! Oh that nasty little sh1t... CHANGBIN!!!"

As Chaewon screams at the top of her lungs, you see a neatly folded-up paper tucked firmly underneath your fingers. You open it up and proceed to read.

Y/N: *reading in your head* (Y/N, if you are reading this right now, I want you to know that I have returned to my own house with the science project. If you need anything, let me know-)

Under the message is a string of numbers that looks like a phone number. 

Y/N: *in your head* (Is this his phone number?) *pulls out phone and types it in, then presses save*

Chaewon: "Hey, whats that?"

Y/N: *quickly puts away* "Erm.. N-nothing!"

Chaewon: "Are you texting your secret boyfrieeend?" *laughs jokingly*

Y/N: *rolls eyes* "He's not mine he was yours-" 

You manage to stop yourself just in time before you finish what you were going to say. Luckily Chaewon wasnt paying attention... because she was reading the letter that you had in your hand. You immediately snatch it off her and tell her to back off.

Y/N: "Hey! Back off! Thats personal!"

Chaeown: "What was that? Who gave it to you? And why does it-"

Y/N: *rudely* "I-its none of your business Chaewon! What Changbin said about you being so noisy is true! I domt know why i even bother, I should've just kept this a secret.."

You stare at each other, silent. You atempt to stand your ground while Chaewon looks teary as if shes going to cry.

Chaewon: *shaking voice* "B-but.. I th-thought there were no secrets b-between us, r-remember? W-we made that p-promise when we were i-in kindergarten.. W-why are you acting so w-weird all of a sudden?" *gets up* "I-i didnt know y-you could be like t-this Y/N.." *gathers her stuff* "I-i didnt know y-you could break our promise like that!" *yells* "I-I THOUGHT WE WERE BESTFRIENDS!"

You stare at Chaewon while she leaves the living room. She takes her coat from the coat-hangers and slams the front door shut. You can barely hear her muffled sobs through the door. She was crying. Then, your phone starts to ring. You look at who is calling you and its Changbin.

Changbin: "Hey, i just saw Chaewon crying while leaving your house, is everything okay?"

Y/N: *in your mind* (He sounds generally concerned.. Does he like Chaewon still? No, he broke her heart right in front of her face.. But hes more soft than he seems to be. I'd never thought he'd call me to ask if I was alright..)

Y/N: *hesitating* "Erm.. N-not really.."

Changbin: "You sound like you're hesitating.. Tell me all about it at school, if its anything personal i promise not to tell"

Y/N: "B-but can i trust you?"

Changbin: "You dont have to trust me, because I promised, didnt I? Plus I especially would never want to break any of my promises to a pretty girl like you.."

Y/N: *in your mind* (D..did he just compliment me? Or am i hearing wrong?!)

Changbin: "Anyways, I have the science project with me at school, meet you at class"

Y/N: *smiles* "Y-yeah Changbin, see you at class.." *ends call and switches phone off, then looks back at the letter* "Changbin..."


sorry ep4 part 1 is really short! Part 2 will be around 1000+ words but bare with me please :(

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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