.:Chapter 3:.

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I'm gonna try to make this one longer so yeeee

Book's POV
I sat at the edge of the pool behind the bathrooms, my legs in the water.
Me and taco talked about how I acted in the past episodes, and she forgives me. That was probably one of the best days of my life. Am I exaggerating? Probably. She just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside..
Sometimes she holds my hand. I don't know why, but I'm not complaining.

I definitely have a crush on Taco. Everything about her is just.. awesome! I shook my head, but the sound of charred grass crunching behind me made me jump. I turned, and saw Gaty. "Hey.. book." She hesitantly murmured. I froze, put after a pause, I spoke. "Hey Gaty! What's up..?" Gaty didn't say anything, and sat next to me, also sloshing her feet around in the water. "...I'm sorry I was rude to you before." She said, facing me. "What?! Nononono! I should be the one apologizing to you!! You're the ones I was super rude to-" Gaty cut me off. "I know, but I realized that I was still rude to you when you tried to be nice to me. For that, I'm sorry." She looked back into the pool, ripples being created by our legs swaying in the water. "Oh..." I paused and smiled. "I.. I forgive you!" Gaty turned to face me again. "Thanks." She got up and walked away without another word. I looked back into the rippling water.

Taco's POV
Confess to Book? Confess to Book. But when? And where? She probably doesn't like me back anyway.. maybe I'll talk to Gaty about it later. Or maybe even someone else on my team? I don't know, I'm just gonna think about it more for now..

I decide to go to the pool behind the bathrooms. I'll get soggy if I go in the pool, but I could sit with only my legs in the pool or something. I turn around the corner and see book doing just that.
"Oh, hey book!" I say, walking in her direction. She turns around, and a small smile spread across her face when she saw me. "Hi Taco!" I sat next to her, dipping my legs in the water like her. "So what brings you here?" I ask. "I was just hanging out here, but then Gaty apologized for being rude to me, and I don't get it. She was only rude to me once, and I kinda forgot about that specific event.." I nod. "Maybe she just noticed you're nicer now, and realized she was rude?" I suggest. Her hand fidgets with the burnt ground. "Probably.. I'm overthinking this..." I held her hand, and she gripped mine.
We probably talked for hours, because it was dark outside now. "It's getting pretty late.." Book pointed out. I looked up at the beautiful sky. "We could stay and stargaze, or something. "Okay, I've never been stargazing before though.." I smiled. "Neither have I! It's okay." Book smiled at me and looked away as she blushed a little. I was confused, but didn't think much of it. We laid looking at the stars together for a couple hours until we fell asleep.

-543 words-

The mission to make this chapter longer succeeded >:D
They, held hand again. Beautiful

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