Chapter Seventeen - Mixed Signals

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Ava, Emerald, and Lorelai stood in front of the posters, studying the movies currently playing. The Daemos were all gathered in a group off to the right, staring at more of the posters themselves.

"Hmm... decisions, decisions... " Lorelai kept looking over the choices, thinking aloud.

"Too many to make... it's almost like we shouldn't make any!" Ava was all too ready to give up on the entire endeavor. "Oh well, we tried. Time to go home now, and - "

Emerald grabbed the shortest woman by the arm. "You wouldn't be thinking of leaving, would you? I seem to recall you promising to do something nice for me today." She grinned. "Well, I'm calling in that favor now. I want to watch a movie with our... friends. I think it's something all of us would enjoy. Plus, it gets you and me out of the apartment for a while, which is something I feel we don't do nearly often enough."

"I mean, just look at them." Lorelai nodded towards the Daemos. "Look at that gleam in their eyes."

"They just look stupid," Ava scoffed.

Emerald frowned at her. "Okay, two things: one, they look stupidly excited. Two... " Here, she leaned in close to whisper. "They are literally learning about an entirely new world. I think we should both have a little more patience towards them. Imagine if we ended up in wherever they're from. We'd be hopelessly lost and lucky to even last half an hour."

Before Ava could respond, Lorelai came closer to the two women. "Oh c'mon, put some pep in your step! What do you have against going to the movies anyway, Ava? We went to the movies when we were in high school."

"We went once, and I told you: it was uncomfortable." Ava looked unimpressed at the interruption.

"I told you, they have new seats now, and - "

"No! That's not it!" She blushed furiously.


"Lorelai, do you remember what happened during the movies?"

"Ummmmm... "

"Of course you don't remember," Ava sighed in frustration. "You were too busy making out with your then-boyfriend."

"Wha?! Hey, you didn't have to pay attention to that! There were other people there too, ya know!"

"Yeah! I know there were other people there, and guess what they were doing? Making out! Everyone was a couple, and I was the only one who didn't have a date!"

"Ohhhhhh, I get what you're looking for now!" She gave the shorter woman a knowing look. "You want to relive that moment, don't you?"

"No. No I don't."

"I... have to agree," Emerald cut in, looking between the two women. "I wasn't there, but I can sympathize with being the only one not with someone at a place where everyone else is just focused on hooking up. It gets really awkward really quickly."

"No, I don't mean in the same way. I mean you two want to be the center of attention! You both want to make out with someone here!" Lorelai gave them both a sly look. "And I don't blame you. You both got some pickins."

"Lorelai... " Ava took a deep breath, bringing her hands together in front of her face. "How about... we just drop that subject and I just go to the movies without whining anymore?"

"Works for me," Emerald cut in, glancing between the two. "That's all I'm looking for out of today anyway: a nice, calm time at the movies, enjoying over-buttered popcorn and absorbing cheesy entertainment." She tapped the shorter woman on the shoulder, carefully guiding her away. "Come on, let's see if there's anything the guys are interested in watching."

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