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1.an act of concentrating interest or activity on something


"This mission will go smoothly and we're all gonna come out of this safe and sound." Steve sternly stared at each of his team members in the eyes. "Repeat it!" He boomed. They all reluctantly repeated the words. "Good. So now that we are all in agreement, let's go find some information." He pushed back from the squeaky chair and strapped his new shield onto his back. He didn't ask how it appeared in his room right before the mission and didn't care. All that mattered was that he had it back.

The stiff leather of the familiar suit grafted nicely to his muscles, shifting as he moved. Somehow, it didn't make as much noise as it did before, but he paid no mind. "Where are you, Steve?" Bruce's voice crackled over the earpiece. Steve squinted at the street signs around him. "I believe that Captain Rogers is at the first location point, between the two bakeries, Brutaria Buna and Bunuri Gustoase." Vision's voice rang clearly. Steve looked around him. "Sounds about right. I am proceeding with caution." He mumbled, tapping his ear.

The building was abandoned. Boards were nailed against the broken and dirty windows and the door, though tightly shut, was rotted and swarming with gnats. How the hell am I going to get in? Steve walked slowly around the back entrance and searched for another point to enter. Everything was tightly guarded, suspiciously enough. It appeared that he would have to go the old fashioned way.

He waltzed up to the door handle and looked into the windows, before cracking it off with a sharp strike from his shield. It broke off with ease, letting the door creak open. Cold air wooshed out to Steve's feet and tickled his clothed ankles. Where is all of that coming from? He slowly tiptoed into the room. With each step, a loud creak echoed around. This room was much smaller than the building; there were other rooms. Ignoring the staircase, he snooped around some more. Blank white papers and brand new manila folders littered the ground and any available surface. If this place was abandoned, how would there be brand new papers in here? There wouldn't be unless someone was prepping for the visit. Steve glanced around nervously. Were those papers the cheese, he the mouse?

A twip resounded in the dirty, empty room. The shield made a small pink noise as a bullet bounced off of it. "Ahh, Captain Rogers. What a pleasant surprise!" The assailant stepped out of the shadows. "Who the hell are you?" Steve questioned. The figure laughed. "That, my friend, is none of your business." He smirked. At least 10 men surrounded him, guns drawn. He sighed and got to his knees, hands raised in submission. As Steve was bound and gagged, the man stalked closer. "Now, let's finish my job, shall we, gentlemen?" He chuckled, following as Steve's squirming form was carried out of the building.


The soft, jazz flowed out from the record player as Bucky lounged around Steve's quarters. Resting assured in the fact that the team was off on a mission, he could freely roam through the majority of the tower. Though some of the employees looked at him funny, they didn't say a peep. It was pure bliss, not having to watch his every move, and he was going to cherish.

"Jarvis?" Bucky called out uncertainly. The AI responded promptly. "Yes, Mr.Barnes?" He smiled. It still blew his mind how far the world had come, from barely hovering cars to speaking buildings.

"Mrs. Barnes, please? I promised Bucky that I would go with him to the Expo! I can't be here, babysitting Misty!" Bucky listened as the slightly deep voice reverberated through the wooden door. "Steven Grant Rogers! You told me you could take care of Misty, but now you can't? I have to go to work!" Bucky leaned in closer to the door, before dramatically swinging it open. "Woo, I could hear that yellin' from down the street. Hi, Ma. Hey, Steve." He squeezed a hug out of his mother and clapped his hand on Steve's back, lingering a while longer. "Boy, where in the world have you been?" Mrs. Barnes whapped the back of his head, knocking his hat off. "Well, Ma, I-" "Don't 'Ma' me, boy! Why have you told Steve you were takin' him to that Expo when you two are 'sposed to babysit your little sister? Now, who's going to do it?" Mrs. Barnes sternly glared up at her eldest, hands resting on her wide hips. Bucky looked towards Steve, but he was looking at him in a similar position, head cocked to the side slightly. "Well, Charlie's at home, sitting on his behind. Can't he?" Bucky guiltily scratched the back of his head. She smacked in lips in dissatisfaction. "Charles Barnes! Get in here!"

"Isn't this great, Stevie? No babies to care of and the whole future in front of out eyes-Steve?" Bucky turned from his date, noticing that said boy was gone. "Jesus- One minute, ladies." He smiled widely and stalked out of the crowd.

"Come on, punk. We're taking the girls dancing." Bucky pushed Steve off of the pedestal, stepping on it himself accidentally. Illuminating his pale face, he saw himself radiating inside the head of a faceless soldier. Even though he was already in real uniform, the picture of standing with his fellow men, his country, flowed through his veins. He put on a smile. "You go ahead, I'll catch up."


Bucky's hair blew haphazardly as the thin mountain air filtered through the coarse fibers. The train whistled as it raged on the tracks. His eyes: white. His knuckles: white. The railing creaked. "GRAB MY HAND!"

I can't.

I can't reach.

Screams; it took minutes to realize they were his own.


"Mr. Barnes!" The AI's voice broke through the hard shell of Bucky's unconscious state. He gasped, coated in a thin layer of sweat. "Yeah, yeah, I'm here. I, uh, I just need to lay down." The speakers strummed with the soft sound of acoustic guitar and he shakily took a seat in the sofa seat. He closed his eyes.


Blood streamed down Steve's face. He was past biting his cheek; he could swear it was bleeding too. But he couldn't scream. His throat had already been ravaged by the sound. He wouldn't scream anymore.

"Have you had enough yet, капитан?" тренер's loud boots echoed throughout the dimly lit room. From his crouched position, all Steve saw was those blasted shoes. He hated those boots. "Fuck off." He spat, hocking a big glob onto the shiny leather. The man laughed. "Do you know that you amuse me?" He grasped Steve by his blonde tresses. The captain narrowed his non-swollen eye. "You do! Do you know why?" He smiled. "Because you fight. You fight, even when there's nothing left to fight for! There should be no spunk left, but you still have that Пожар in your blood. Your American blood." he smiled, growling the last sentence. Steve's eyes lifted to his defiantly, before he was dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes. "Again. He hasn't had enough. Douse that Пожар."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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