Day 8

11 2 2

Third p.o.v

"Hey, baby it's all right, I'll be home in a few months, I have ta' visit a cousin in New York."

Sero was preparing to leave the dorms, before a crying Kaminari came and grabbed Sero's leg, pleading for him to stay.

"PLEASE SERO!! I-i need you, whose g-going ta cuddle with me?" Kaminari said through sobs.

"Kaminari I'll miss you too, but I need to visit him, I haven't seen him for 11 years." Sero replied, guilt evident in his voice.

"C'mon Kaminari, let him go, it ain't manly to hold him down and not allow him to go." Kirishima activated his quirk and dragged Kaminari off.



It had been 3 weeks since Sero had left. Kaminari had felt empty since then, and so at the moment he had no energy or motivation to put on clothes. Sure they called and text, but Kaminari still felt that he was missing something.

Suddenly, his phone rang, so he held it up to his gaze. Bad idea. The bright phone screen against the darkness of his room hurt his eyes, but on his phone was yes, Sero's contact, but in a different format.

"Hello?" Sero's voice. "Sero!!" The call not only projected his voice, but his face as well.

His hair had grown slightly longer, and it looked like he just got out of the shower because of the towel wrapped around his waist.

"Kami!! I missed your cute face, so I downloaded Skype to see you~, although I didn't know you had it?" Sero had remarked, putting a finger to his chin like Tsu.

"Oh yeah, I use this to call my mom and dad from time to time-" he was going to continue, until he remembered he was naked.

"Well, it seems like your missing my body on yours, huh?" Sero teased, and Kaminari looked as red as a tomato.

"I-i was j-"

"Look I know I'm not there, but that doesn't mean we can't have our fun~" Kaminari knew where this was going and smirked, completely forgetting about his previous embarrassment.

"When I get back, you'll be wishing I was gone" " No I won't, you'll be the one wishing you moved in with him."


" N-no you won't!!"

"We'll see about that.."

"I love you Sero"

"I love you too, Kami"

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