Day 17 waw.

7 2 0

Third p.o.v

'06:09', the time on the boxed digital clock read. Kaminari woke up from the uncomfortable mattress only to realize he was on the floor which seemed huge compared to him. He got up from off the solid cold floor to place himself near his boyfriend. It felt like they'd been with each other forever, and even though it's barely high school, the future of their love will live on, even as pro heroes.

" Where did ya go Denki, I missed cha?" Kaminari lifted up the weighted blanket that lied on Sero's body and dragged Sero to the floor.

 "I fell off the bed and slept on the floor." Kaminari was tracing where Sero's abs were, relishing the moment they had alone. How peaceful it was almost put Kaminari in a trance, making him unaware of when he grabbed chunks of Sero's shirt and smashed their lips together. /except Kaminari knew what he was doing the entire time so../

The feel of the soft lips made Sero want more, pulling rip-off(or original)-Zenitsu- closer to him so he could feel the warmth he had been craving all night.

"hhhh," after a couple of seconds they pulled away from each other and breathed in a long stream of air because they are still humans after all. After a few seconds of breathing, they continued again, fighting with their tongues for who could gain access, Sero being the winner by licking the bottom lip of Kaminari. Sero felt around all of Kaminari's mouth, before residing in a place in between the bottom of his tongue ad top of his inner mouth(?).

"Heh, this is one of the reasons I love you, your willingness to go to great lengths to show our love." Kaminari wondered what he meant for a moment after they separated before he started to talk again," I mean that we're on the floor and was wondering if you had noticed yet."

"OHHHHhhhhh," Kaminari had an animated look to his face before hugging Sero again like a panda bear hugging a piece of bamboo.

"I luv chu Hanta," Sero managed to hear Kaminari's mumble.

"Luv you too."

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