chapter 3

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A chilly winter dawn, few luminous cracks visible on an otherwise dark sky, a dense fog hangs over rows and rows of tents erected on the banks and flood plains of the holy rivers, a small distance from the shore and between two pontoon bridges running parallel to each other over the Ganga, stands a girl waist-deep in water. The water bites her.

On the call of a priest at the bank, she submerges herself completely and then comes up again. A  Sadistic winter breeze stabs her all over. Her Shivers look more like an epileptic fit. Her mother pulls her into the boat and dries her  with a towel as though she were a pet given a bath for the first time. Her mother pours a cup of tea from thermos flask and hands it to her.

" If you stay here and sincerely do Kalpwas till Maha Shivratri, you are bound to find a good husband, " says her mother smiling.

"H..H.He had fuckin b...b..better be Shahrukh Khan, " replies  Rajni.

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