Inner Feelings

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Hmm... Oh, this looks good!


This one too! She hasn't had these in forever...


Now, where are the-


I blinked out of my shopping trance as I turned to face Chaeyoung-unnie, who was pouting adorably.

"I think you already have more than enough things to buy," she said as she pointed at the cart behind me, which had been filled halfway with sweets, drinks, and various foods.

I shook my head. "But, there's so much more that you like here! I barely use my money anyway, so why not-"

Chaeyoung-unnie held my cheeks and smooshed them softly. "Y/N-ah, it's fine. I've already forgiven you. We need to head home soon anyway. Jihyo-unnie is probably planning to have another big meeting since our comeback is almost here."

I sighed deeply before placing my hands against her own. "I know, I know. It's just... I feel like this is something I need to address first. It... You, rather, hold a higher priority to me than the comeback."

Chaeyoung-unnie giggled before handing our manager my debit card, asking him to pay for the items. She patted my head gently before grabbing my hand and walking out to the van.

"You're too pure for this world, Y/N-ah. I'll keep telling you that I could never stay mad at you, if that's what I have to do. Is that what you want?" Chaeyoung-unnie asked with a smile as we sat inside the vehicle.

"Well, of course not. I made a mistake and I want to fix it. Don't make this harder for me," I said while pretending to be sad.

My face reddened as she started to giggle to herself. However, instead of smiling at the wonderful sight, seeing her in such a happy state reminded me of the problem that I still had no idea on how to handle.


I glanced off to the side for a split second before Chaeyoung-unnie's giggles cut off instantly. "Y/N-ah, what's wrong? I know that look. Is it really bothering you that much?" she asked as she turned herself towards me.

"N-no... It's not about you and me. Of course, our situation still bothers me a lot! But... There's something else that I'm worried about," I said while awkwardly playing with one of my side bangs.

"Oh? And what's that?" she questioned curiously as she rubbed my arm reassuringly.

I sat in silence for a few moments as I frowned, feeling the stinging feeling in my heart as I thought about Sana-unnie. I didn't know how to break it to Chaeyoung-unnie, but she wouldn't let me go if I didn't say anything.

"It's... It's about Sana-unnie," I said in a whisper.

Chaeyoung-unnie looked confused at first, but she made an "oh" expression after putting two and two together.

"Actually, that makes a lot of sense. She's usually all over you, but I've noticed that you and her have barely interacted since we had that dinner a few weeks ago. What... happened between you two?"

Feeling uncomfortable, I pulled my knees to my chest as a few tears slid down my cheeks. I immediately felt Chaeyoung-unnie's comforting arms around me as she waited patiently.

"I... I may or may not have... k-kissed her..." I stuttered out.

Chaeyoung-unnie pulled away from me with widened eyes. "Okay, okay, hold on... You did what now?"

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