Dropping The Ball

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New Years Eve, 2021:

      "So, do you two ever miss the big celebrity bashes you used to get to go to, instead of hanging out on the couch on New Years Eve?" Aidan inquired, her eyes shifting from Ashley to Bobby and back as they gathered near the fireplace in Ashley's living room, each of them holding what looked like a small tablet in their hands. "I mean, wouldn't you usually be at some fancy hotel, or someone's condo, watching fireworks and just getting generally rowdy?"

      "I've got no problem with some fireworks, or maybe a little bit of dancing, but I pretty much gave up on 'rowdy' back when you were still in preschool," Bobby observed. "And even if I hadn't, I don't think my lady here is really up for that kind of mayhem right now, if you recall."

      "Yeah, I guess you're right," Aidan acknowledged. "That keeps slipping my mind. I guess after a couple years of listening to her talk about not wanting kids, it's taking a bit to sink in."

      "Sweetie, I'm not sure it's completely sunk in for me sometimes, so don't feel lonely," Aerin retorted. "I still wake up at least a couple mornings a week and kinda ask myself if this is actually happening. But then my stomach hurries to reassure me that yeah, it is, so I'm back in touch with reality until I get a chance to chug my pink shit."

      "So what about you, babe?" Aidan questioned, turning her attention back to Ashley. 

      He reached out to slide an arm around her waist, shifting his position so that she wound up seated between his legs, with her back resting against his chest. After dropping a kiss on her temple, he said, "Well, I hit a couple of parties last year, but it's actually been a couple of years since I've been to a 'celebrity bash', as you call it. And to be honest, I can't really say that I miss it all that much. I miss a few of the people I knew in LA, yeah, but I've figured out that the lifestyle itself was pretty toxic, and I'm better off where I am now. I mean, after all, if I hadn't wised up and gotten away from there, I never would have met you, now would I?" Then his lips curled in a mischievous smirk as he added, "And as for 'fireworks', I was kinda hoping we could set off some of our own after we all finish ringing in the New Year."

      "Ah, crap!" Aerin commented sarcastically to Bobby. "Sounds like we may need some earplugs tonight, babe."

      This caused Aidan to start giggling, earning her puzzled looks from the other three. "You say that jokingly, but you may be righter than you know," she informed the younger woman. "Remember that conversation we had a couple weeks ago, when I was at the Dollar Tree? Well, guess what I decided to bring along for the ride this time?"

      Ashley and Bobby still looked rather confused, but Aerin's eyes widened as she blurted, "Oh, no you did not! Seriously?" When her friend nodded an affirmative, she let out a crow of laughter and said, "Well, lemme know if it works like you think it's gonna. If it does, maybe I'll pick some up and keep it in case of a 'special occasion'. That could make the situation a bit more... palatable, so to speak."

      "What is it?" both of the men asked in unison, sending the ladies into another fit of laughter.

      "I'll explain it to you later, love," Aerin informed Bobby. "Cuz I'm pretty sure that Aidan would prolly smack me if I open my mouth now and spoil her surprise."

      "I'm not in the habit of hitting pregnant people, but I'd definitely think of something," Aidan chuckled. Then, in a teasing tone, she added. "Y'know, I did bring extra. So I might be persuaded to part with some if you want to have an after-party of your own."

      Then it was Aidan's turn to be surprised when her friend replied, "Sure, what the hell! I doubt that it'll become an everyday thing, but I guess he deserves a little somethin' special every now and then."

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