Surprise Me (implied smut)

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      "Arrested, huh?" Bobby queried, shaking his head. "So I can't leave you to your own devices for a couple of weeks without you getting up to mischief, is this what you're telling me?"

      The slight grin on his face told Aerin that he wasn't really as annoyed as he was pretending to be, and as she snuggled closer to him on the couch, she replied, "None of us actually got arrested, we just had to go answer a bunch of questions. Now, Crazy Bitch and the Three Stooges are a totally different story, however. Her dad wound up getting charged with disorderly conduct and attempted assault for trying to fight Ash, and his buddies got charged with assault and battery and unlawful restraint for putting their hands on me and Aidan."

      "And that was on top of the injuries they wound up with," Ashley chimed in from his recliner, where he was leaned back with a beer in his hand and Sparrow sprawled across his lap. "Somehow I doubt that those two are gonna be real quick to step up the next time Lydia's dad calls 'em up and wants backup to go beat down somebody that insulted his little princess."

      "So what happened to her, then?" Bobby inquired, earning chuckles from both of his companions.

     "Well, after they managed to detach her from the stair railing that Aerin tied her to, she actually wound up in more trouble than all three of the guys," Ashley explained. "Turns out that I'm not the first guy she's pulled that shit on, and she already had warrants from Knoxville for violating a restraining order, and for vandalism and property damage for breaking into her ex-boyfriend's apartment, spray-painting threats and profanity on everything in sight, and then turning on all of the faucets and flooding not just his place, but the one underneath it, too."

      "But it still kinda works in her favor," Aerin snickered. "I mean, as long as she'll prolly be out of circulation, she won't have to worry about going into hiding, or making up excuses for her bad style choices."

      Both she and Ashley burst out laughing, to Bobby's confusion, and when they noticed his bewildered expression, Aerin managed to choke out, "Did we forget to tell you that after bitch-slapping her hard enough to make her eyes roll independently of each other, I tied her up with her own hair? Took thin little sections and tied a couple-three half-hitches in each one, as close to the scalp as I could get, so they ended up having to bust out the scissors to get her loose."

      "And that's really not a good look for her," Ashley added. "Did you ever see the first 'Friday the Thirteenth' movie?" When Bobby nodded an affirmative, he continued, "Well, if you remember what Jason looked like when he popped up out of the lake in the final scene, she's kinda got that hair now."

      Bobby winced, and unconsciously fingered his own hair as he glanced briefly at Aerin. "Okay, I get ya now," he acknowledged. Then, looking across at Ashley, he said, "Remind me not to do anything to piss her off, if that's what happens."

      In a wry tone, Ashley responded with, "Oh, you'd be getting off lucky with that, if you made her too mad. I know you've said that you're not interested in details, but trust me when I say that there are all sorts of worse things she could do to you."

      "Yeah, 'nuff said. I'll take your word on that one. But going back to the original conversation, are you saying that none of you got into any trouble over this?"

      "Well, no tickets or anything, but Aidan's knife did get confiscated, cuz it was outside the legal carry length," Aerin told him. "But she's apparently not too worried about it."

      "Yeah, she said she 'knows a guy that knows a guy', and she shouldn't have a problem getting a replacement," Ashley said. "And that's another one you'll wanna be careful about pissing off if you ever get to meet her. Nice girl, incredibly chill most of the time, but I'm smart enough to step real carefully around someone who can look that fucking bored while she's folding some dude's fingers over the back of his hand."

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