You've Got Another Think Coming

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July, 2022:

      Ashley cast a puzzled look toward Bobby, unsure of the actual meaning of his statement, but when he looked back toward Aidan, and caught sight of the gold-flecked blue object in her hand, his heart dropped as he realized that the thing he had so carelessly thrown was the wall decoration that had been given to her by her late friend Shelby. 

      He quickly crossed the room to where she knelt next to the scattering of broken glass and wood fragments, and reached out to place his hand on her shoulder, saying, "Babe, I didn't mean to..." But his words were abruptly cut off as Aidan quickly dropped the kokopeli and gripped his wrist with one hand while using the other to grasp his index finger, forcing it backward toward his hand as she stood.

      Even Aerin, who was more familiar with her friends temper than the two men, gaped in shock when Aidan looked him in the eyes and declared, "Unless you want to have your ability to ever play a musical instrument again severely compromised, Mr. Purdy, I strongly suggest that you keep your fucking hands to yourself. Do I make myself clear?"

      "What the hell!?" he hissed, as his teeth clenched from the pain shooting up his arm. "I was just..."

      "I repeat: Do I make myself clear?"

      As she forced his finger back another fraction of an inch, he decided not to press his luck and replied, "Yes, you do. I get it, so may I please have my hand back?"

      Aidan released her grip and Ashley dropped back a couple of steps, carefully flexing his hand as he watched her warily. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, she lifted her hand in a silencing gesture and calmly informed him, "Before you say anything, I'd just like to say that I completely agree with you."

      This took everyone by surprise, and Bobby and Aerin's expressions became even more dumbfounded as Ashley opened and closed his mouth several times before he finally managed to blurt, "You do?"

      "Absolutely," she confirmed. "This is your house. And I think you've made it clear to everyone that it should continue to remain your house. So as soon as I can make arrangements to find a somewhere to crash until I can get another place, and hopefully get my job back, I'll head back to Missouri and get out of your way, since we were both obviously mistaken when we thought this might actually work out." Then, turning her attention to Aerin and Bobby, she inquired, "Do you think I can bunk with y'all for a few days, until I can get everything sorted out?"

      "You know you don't even need to ask, hon," Aerin replied, casting a look at her ex-roommate that actually prompted him to take several steps out of her reach as she added, "Do you honestly think we'd make you put up with this kinda fuckin' stupidity, even if it is only for a coupla days?"

      "It's perfectly fine with me," Bobby confirmed. "I'm sure Zach and Zoe won't mind too much helping to reload the truck, and if need be, I'm sure they've got a couple of friends somewhere who wouldn't mind earning a few extra bucks doin' a bit of heavy lifting."

      "Cool," Aidan responded. "Just let me grab some stuff to keep me goin' for the next few days, and we can book anytime you're ready."

      Ashley's head swung like it was on a swivel as he shifted his gaze repeatedly between his three companions, a look of mixed confusion and panic spreading across his features as the two women started moving through the dining area, heading for his bedroom. As it finally began to sink in that Aidan wasn't bluffing, that she was genuinely prepared to end their relationship and take herself and their daughter back to Missouri, his composure completely failed, and he snapped, "Uh-uh, darlin'. This is not happening. If you so much as think about going anywhere, I will file for full custody, and you'll be lucky if you get to see her on birthdays and Christmas!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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