Pre Wedding Parties

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Katys POV

"KATY GET THE FUCK UP!!" Yelled the obnoxious girl know as Shannon Woodward.

I just moaned and rolled over covering my head with the blankets.

"God dammit Katy. John's already gone. Your parents have the kids. The jets getting you in 1 hour."

What jet? What the fuck is Shannon talking about.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I moaned half asleep.

"Your jet is bringing you to London for your wedding."

John was serious last night. Oh my god. He is planning on getting married.

"What are you talking about I don't have a dress, it's going to take time to get everything set up."

"Johnnys making the dress that you had sketched out. John hired people. Your having a party tonight wedding tomorrow. So get up!"

I can't believe this is all happening. But I'm kinda happy. I stood up and sent shannon to go in my closet to get me clothes while I showered.

I shampooed and conditioned my hair. Shaved my legs and washed the rest of my body. Turned the water off. Brushed my teeth and blow dried my hair.

"Wear this." Shannon said throwing a dress and some heals at me. "Your sisters down stairs making you breakfast."


"Limos coming in 5 minutes. Bringing us to the airport. You can see John and look at all his stuff for 15 minutes and then we're leaving. Your going to a club with us before your married." Shannon explained, while reading off a paper that clearly my sister organized.

"Okay. I guess lets go."


"I'm excited! Aren't you excited Kate" my sister said while looking over at me.

"Yeah. When John said this last night I thought it was a joke. But I guess not. He actually made it a reality."

"He was so nervous this morning. He cried at one point. He wants this to be perfect for you. And he knows that you want to be married before you have another kid so he put it all together."

"And that's why I love him."

John's POV

Katys plane was landing probably around now. So I headed back to the hotel so I can show her everything before she went out.

I sat in the room, watching some pageant show. Katy got me hooked shockingly on these shows. Then there was a knock on the door but before I could get up it was opened and Katy, her sister and Shannon walked in.

"Hey babe." She said while sitting down on my lap and kissing my lips.

"Hey Katy. Want to see everything?"

"Of course show me now!!" She said while pulling shannon and Ang behind her.

I walked them over to a table which was cover in a map and a schedule.

"Okay so this is the actual wedding. I have that you want your braids mates wearing purple. So Johnny is making 4 purple dresses for them. Then your wedding dress looks like this. Johnny is finishing that up now. I have this on, and then my boys have purple ties. To match your braids mates."

"I'm amazed. This is exactly I wanted!" Katy said.

"There's more" I flipped to the next map. Which was the after party. I showed her the table setup who was sitting where and the rest of the details.

She then grabbed my schedule.

She flipped through everything and seemed pretty happy.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then Mr. Mayer. Better look nice, I have high expectations." Katy said while wrapping her hands around my neck and kissing me.

Forgetting that Angela and Shannon were still sitting at the same table I slid my tongue inside her mouth trying to heat everything up.

"Okay assholes. You can have sex another time. We have a bachelorette party we need to go to know." Shannon yelled making Katy pull away laughing.

"Sorry! I'll see you tomorrow. I love you." She said while waving and walking out the door.

Shannon's POV

"Okay bitch. Let's go. It your last night of being exciting. Your going to be a married old lady tomorrow." I said to Katy.

"Hey fuck you! I'm going to be a young amazing wife tomorrow."she said while flipping her hair.

We arrived at the club. Where we were going to spend the majority of our night. The whole club was rented out. So Katy wouldn't be annoyed by fangirls but everyone from Beyoncé to Adele were going to be at the party. Every female musician in the industry was coming plus more were coming. We were throwing a huge party!!

I walked Katy into the club. And with no suprise once she heard the music she started dancing.

Angela and I just laughed at her. While she ran over to the bar handing us drinks.

"To my final day as a single lady!" She yelled while hitting her drink with ours.

She seemed so happy to be finally getting married. I just wanted to give her a great night tonight. I'm so happy that she found someone she finally is happy with and isn't going to screw her over... Like Russel did.

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