Disney Adventures

270 18 1

John's POV

We finally ran up to Katy who was now standing infront of some Toy Story ride which had like a 3 hour wait.

"Woah! No way are we waiting for 3 hours to go on this ride." I said, trying to make her realize that no ride is worth standing for 3 hours, "lets go get food instead or something. You like food. We can do that!"

"I may like food but I'm going on this ride, so come on children lets go wait in line while Mr. Party Pooper ruins our fun." She said while marching of the with twins and Stella going to the line.

I was left with Katys parents, her brother, her sister plus her sisters husband, and the delightful Shannon. We just all looked at each other. It looked like we were getting stuck waiting on a 3 hour line for some ride.

Katys POV

I was standing in line when finally everyone else joined us. We stood there for about 5 minutes until a worker came up to us.

"Excuse Mrs. Perry?"

"Um yea?" I said unsure what the worker wanted.

"If you and your guest would like you can come to the front of the line."

"Oh yes please!" I said to the worker while he led us the way. I turned around to John and stuck my tongue out like a child. "Look who's the winner now Mayer."


We've been going on rides for the last few hours and I think the kids are exhausted. My parents offered to take the kids back to the rooms so the rest of us can go and explore some stuff.

I went back to the hotel room so I could fresh my make up. I guess I took a little bit longer than everyone else because at one point Shannon was banging on the door telling me to "get my ass moving."

I was finally done, and we headed to a restaurant.

We sat down, and I could tell that our waitress was either a fan of mine or John's because when she found out she was serving us her face turned bright red, and when she try's to speak to us she stutters ALOT!

"Hey babe? I think the waitress is a fan. I bet she's one of mine. If I'm right you have to buy me a new channel bag for my collection."

"Well doesn't everything have to be a competition with you. But fine if I win you have to let me sleep on the right side of the bed and let me shower first so I get hot water. She's probably my fan, I mean who wouldn't want to be a fan of such a handsome guy?"

We went back and forth until Angela yelled at us for acting like children. What did she expect though, I'm like a 15 year old mentally.

"Um excuse me... But Shannon can I have a autograph."

I turned to John and whisper "wait what just happened."

"Oh yeah of course." Shannon signed the paper and then took a picture with the girl. Once she walked away we all started laughing.

"It looks like not only will you be buying me a nice purse John, but I get to shower first. And I don't really want to sleep in your bed so I'll just pass on that one." Shannon said

We all busted out laughing, going back and forth with different conversations when we finally decided to go back to our room.


We got back to the hotel room and we busted through the door laughing. My mother jumped up and began to shh us.

"The children are asleep, be a little less noisy." She whisper screamed at us.

We all headed to our rooms. I walked into my room following behind John. Closing the door behind me. I heard John flop down on the bed.

"Ugh I'm so tired." He moaned.

I grabbed my pajamas and began to change into them. I slipped my shorts on and I could feel John stairing at me.

As I took my shirt off and grabbed my tank top I felt John's arms wrap around me preventing me from getting the tank on.

No words were needed so I turned around facing him, placing my lips against his. We continued the kiss until we got a good momentum. I felt his tongue slip across my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I gladly accepted.

We continued our make out session as we walked towards our bed. Once we landed on the bed. John was now kissing my neck while I headed to the head board of the bed.

I moaned in pleassure as I pulled at John's belt buckle. Finally I unhooked it still moaning in pleasure. I slipped his jeans off. I felt his hands move from my cheek to my back where he struggled to unclip my bra.

After a whole lot more, which im not going to get into to much detail, because I'm pretty sure you can figure out what happened, We fell asleep with our body's covered by the bed spread.i couldn't have asked for a better husband. He was so perfect.

I'm going to Disney in like 20 something days with like 18+ people so I'm going to try to make chapters a little more long and update. Plus the plane ride should give me time to write!! Hopefully you enjoyed that chapter^ it's really hard to write that stuff.

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