Ava Marie Mayer

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John's POV

"You should name her Ava!!!" Angela shouted out.

I thought about it for a second. Ava. I like it. I like it a lot actually. I turned to Katy who had a smile on her face.

"Let's hear your opinion?" I said looking directly at Katy's beaming blue eyes and sparkling smile.

"I think Ava fits in perfectly." she said as her smile grew even wider. "Ava Marie Mayer is pretty on fleek if you ask me" she continued with a little giggle at the end.

"Sounds fantastic!"

I was overjoyed but soon was reminded about tomorrow. My bags were all packed and ready. But I wasn't ready to go. Especially after today. I can't just leave Katy with Ava alone. She has to take care of the twins plus another new born. She couldn't handle it.

"Hey Ang, can I speak to you outside for a minute."

Katy looked up at me, with a worried look all over her face. I leaned down and kissed her on the forehead.

"no worries Kate, I just want to get one last thing taken care of." I said while walking out into the hallway with Angela.

Katys POV

"what the fuck is that about." Shannon blurted when the door closed.

My family just looked over at her, and then back at me. They were expecting me to act like an adult and tell Shannon the the swearing was unnecessary.

"Shannon! There are children in the room!" I said trying to put my acting skills to the test and present myself as if I was mad. " But I'm sure it's nothing." I said with unassurance about why John had left with my sister.

"Mommy can we hold Ava again?" said the adorable voice of Juliet that was at the edge of the hospital bed looking directly at me with pleading eyes.

"Sure honey, come sit on the bed next to mommy."

John's POV

"I can't leave her now Ang. I just can't. She's going to need help. Ava, Juliet, Justin they all are going to need a dad. But I won't be there. What am I supposed to do?"

"I'll stay at your place for 2 weeks if you want." Angela said trying to help relax my nerves.

"What about your family?" I said trying to face the reality that it was unrealistic for her to stay at my house for 2 weeks.

"Svend is going away also, and Stella is going to live for a 2 week sleepover! Don't worry I have it all under control!"

I suddenly felt a wave of calmness flow over me. I still was disappointed that I was going, but I had confidence that Angela would help keep them safe.

"You should probably be heading home soon, you probably have a early flight?" Angela said.

"I'll run home and get my suitcase and stuff but I'm going to sleep here. My last night with Katy needs to be spent with Katy."

"Want me to take the ride with you?"

"Sure lets go now."

We drove to the house and loaded the car up. But while packing up I noticed something. It was a little journal. It had a lock so nobody could open it, it had to be Katy's. What could she possible need a journal for?

I searched all over the room, until I found Katy's necklace that had a key dangling. I grabbed it and to with my luck it opened the journal. I flipped through the pages. Reading the dates. The journal was huge. Filled with pages and pages worth of information.

It started out on April 28th 2008 the day I Kissed a Girl was released. I skimmed more and more. She has written in this journal every single day since the day she started no exceptions. Some days were filled with her scribbles of handwritten info, others had little drawings or a quote or just a sentence. But every day was marked in some way. I kept going through. She had the book while she was in the hospital with the twins, at the wedding, when we got into a fight, every day had something.

I got to the last page. March 12th 2015.

I didn't want to scare John but I have a feeling the baby is going to be born tomorrow. The last 9 months have been crazy. Today was great. But I really hope tomorrow is better. John probably has something planned since it's the last day before he leaves. I'm not sure what I'm going to do without him, but anyways. He always has the best surprises and to think I use to hate surprises. Today wasn't very productive, probably based on the fact that I'm about to have this kid pop out any second. But it was more of a day of self reflection. My life has had ups and downs. At one point it felt like all it was, was downs. But now that I've found John it's changed. The family we've built together is indescribable. Even if he is miles away on tour I have faith that everything will be okay. I'll surprise him one day and just show up to a concert. Without John I would have been nothing. I'd be a body full of emptiness. He really took me in, even if I was practically a damaged good, and took the time to help me recover and build the foundation to what we have now. Our relationship has turned into something magical. I feel like I can live forever with John. He is my forever.

I closed the book, putting it under my arm. I actually got teary eyed. But I blew it off when Angela got back into the room.

"Hey um I don't know what's taking you so long but Katy just called worried about what was going on and if we were coming back."

I had to get back to Katy, Juliet, Justin and Ava. I needed to spend every second till I left with them from this point on. So with that I hurried up and walked out the door heading back to Katy and the kids.

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