Saving Sayori

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Libitina's P.O.V.

Day in and day out. This world is nothing but a lie, a mere game to those out in the real world. Another player, another playthrough. More chaos, more suffering. How many times has it been that they have died by her hands? 20? 50? 100?

Despite how much I want to hate her for what she has done, I have found it in my heart to forgive her. Because only she is the one who is aware of our reality. Or so she thinks.

She is aware of all of the other characters in our world. Characters that all aware of the true nature of the world that we call home.

But as time goes on, the days begin to blur together. But I have always been here. I have always watched from the sidelines.

As a random player plays the game again, I know from memory that the game is close to the end of Act 1.

I always hated this part. But this time, I am going to do what is right.

On Sunday evening, the day before the festival, I make my way towards Sayori's house. My anxiety begins to get the best of me when I reach her door. However, I shake my head in frustration, and I steel myself for what I am about to do.

Pulling a golden shaped key out of my pocket, I push it into the lock. Twisting the doorknob, I let myself inside. Taking a look around inside of the house, I notice just how eerie and quiet it is. The lights are all turned off and Sayori is nowhere to be found.

I know where she is. Check upstairs.

Nodding to myself in approval, I take a turn and head up the stairs to the second floor. Once up there, I see a light coming from Sayori's bedroom. The door remains slightly cracked, and I hear her sobbing to herself.

My heart begins to crack hearing someone so dear to me in so much pain. However, instead of standing there, second-guessing myself like I normally do, I walk up to the door and push it open.

Looking closer at Sayori, she remains sobbing into her large cow plush, Mr. Cow. Not noticing my presence, I go up to her and sit down on her bed. That grabs her attention.

Turning her head quickly, she says, "Ah-, Libitina! Wh-what are you doing here?"

I bring her into a deep hug, saying, "I'm here to save you, sunshine. I'm here to make sure that you never have to feel this way again."

Looking up at me, she pushes me away saying, "That doesn't explain why you're here."

Sighing softly, I say, "Sayori, are you aware of the true nature of our world that we live in?"

Her eyes widen a bit before she says, "Um, no I-I don't know what you're talking about."

Leaning in close to her, I whisper, "I know what Monika has done to you, Natsuki and Yuri. I know she knows that our world is a game."

Sayori finally admits defeat, saying, "Yes...I do know about this world. I know everything. But what are you here for?"

"I'm here to make sure that Monika doesn't tamper with your mind. I will protect you from her. I will protect all of you."

"Oh, Sayori? I know your feelings about MC were turned down, but I want to let you know that Natsuki likes you. She loves you. And...well..."

My face turns a deep shade of red. Understanding my facial expressions, Sayori asks, "You like me too, don't you?"

"Yes...I want you to be mine. I want all four of you to be mine."

She blushes slightly, saying, "Well...I'm bi, so I'm okay with it...but from what I'm getting at want a polyamorous relationship with us four?"

Nodding my head, I say, "More than anything."

She says, "Well...I think I can handle that...except...I don't feel like I deserve your love. I mean, all I'm good for is making other people happy..."

I bring her into a deep kiss again, effectively shutting her up. Speaking up, I say in a serious tone, "You're not the only one who struggles from depression, Sayori. I...I also struggle with it...and not just depression either...I...I..."

She places her hands on my sleeves and pulls them down, revealing several layers of fresh cuts and scars.

"I know. I know you self harm, Libi. But this is so bad for you."

"I know...but the's addicting to me. After all...I am a monster, an experiment. And...I have either lost people close to me or have been close to losing people close to me. I'm not going to explain it right now, but I will soon. When I have all four of you as my girlfriends, then I will. But anyway, I can help you. Pack up your things. I'm taking you to my house."

After a few hours, Sayori manages to pack everything that she needs and wants to bring with her. Several bags are filled to the brim with clothing, toiletries, and other essentials. I manage to carry three of them for her, and she decides to carry the rest. Together, we head outside of her house and head towards my own.

It doesn't take long for us to reach it. As soon as I make it towards home, the door opens, revealing a man. The man has short, wavy black hair, two tan-colored curved ram horns on top of his head, and yellow piercing eyes. The left side of his face is black, burned to the core, as well as his left arm and hand. He extends a hand out to me, saying, "Welcome home, love."

I take it and am immediately brought into his arms, as he pulls me into a deep kiss. I let out a squeak, which he then releases me.

Sayori stands there, with shock written all over her face.

"Libitina, who is this?"

I say, "Oh, yes. Sayori, this is Damien. He' boyfriend."

Damien says, "A pleasure to meet you, Sayori. I look forward to having a relationship with you. Here, let me take these for you."

He takes the bags from her and carries them inside. Sayori walks in, suddenly hearing commotion upstairs.

"Um, Libitina, what is that sound?"

Libitina turns towards her saying, "Oh yeah, I may have forgotten to mention a few things. You see, Zion's house had gotten burned down by some cultists recently, so now I have...a few here."

Suddenly three men in the living room stand up, heading over to Sayori. Each of them looks completely different from one another.

One has grey skin, strange black markings on his skin, shoulder-length black hair and orange eyes. Another one has short wavy white hair with slightly curved black horns on his head and has black eyes with white irises in them. The last one looks the most normal out of them, just a man with dark blue hair and blue eyes.

Sayori gulps, saying, "Um...hi?"

The grey-skinned man says, "Heya, Sayori. I'm Arlo. We're best friends with Damien."

The white-haired man says, "Kaiser. A pleasure to meet you again."

The blue-haired man then says, "The name's Raiden."

Sayori's eyes widen extremely wide, as she asks, "J-Just how many people are in this place!?"

Arlo rubs the back of his head slightly, saying, "Ah, yeah, there is quite a bit of'll meet them in time, I'm sure."

I then say, "Excuse us, boys, but we're heading upstairs now. We'll chat later, okay?"

The three nod their heads, which Damien, Sayori and I all head upstairs, going past the second floor, getting up to the third where there are plenty of empty rooms.

I open the door to one of them, which Sayori says, "Oh! This...I love this!"

The room is close to a replica of her actual bedroom at her house, with most of her belongings already here, minus the things that she had brought with her.

I say, "Zion tried his best to make each of your new bedrooms to your liking. I hope it's not too mu-"

Sayori tackles me, screaming, "I LOVE IT! THANK YOU LIBITINA!"

I blush darkly, saying, "You're welcome, my cinnamon bun. You're welcome."

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