Saving Natsuki

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Libitina's P.O.V.

After unpacking Sayori's things, she lets out a yawn, saying, "Hey, I'm getting kind of sleepy. I'm going to go to bed, alright?"

I nod my head saying, "Of course. Go ahead, Sayori. I'm going to go and take care of a few things."

Exiting her bedroom, I close the door behind me.

I head back downstairs, to the first floor and walk out the door, out of the house. I begin making my way over to Natsuki's house.

After several minutes, I find myself standing in front of an old worn down house. Peering through the window to the living room, I see a man with dirty, dark brown hair slicked back and a small beard. His eyes are a dark pink color. He lays slumped over in a chair, with a bottle of beer in his hand.

I take out a pink colored key and unlock the door to the house. Gently opening the door, I look over to her father, who I now notice is passed out. Quietly tiptoeing through the living room and upstairs, I make my way to Natsuki's bedroom. I hear her whimper to herself softly.

I open the door, and she immediately turns around, noticing me. She goes to yell, but I swiftly go over to her and place my hand over her mouth.

I whisper into her ear, "'s alright. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to take you with me to my home."

Her fuchsia eyes widen, but then she nods in understanding. I remove my hand from her mouth, which she then asks, "H-How did you find me?"

"I know where you live, Nat. And I know what your bastard of a father does to you."

She says, "Um, okay. You said that I can live with you?"

"Yes. But I want to ask you something. Are you aware of what our world is?"

Confused, she says, "What do you mean?"

"Our world isn't real. We're in a video game, a simulation of sorts, to the outside world. Monika knows this and has been tampering with everyone's personality traits. But I am here to stop her."

Natsuki remains silent for a few minutes, before saying in a small voice, "...I am aware. I kind of figured it on my own. I've been having nightmares of the past. And when I talked to Yuri about it...she told me that they're fractured memories of past playthroughs. I...I know. But why do you want to save me?"

"Because...I love you. I love you, Sayori, Yuri, and Monika."

Snorting softly, she says, "You're joking."

I mean down to her level, and kiss her softly on the lips. Natsuki's face turns a deep red, but she hesitantly kisses me back. However, she pulls away saying, "I accept your feelings, Libi...but...I love Sayori..."

"I told Sayori about your feelings for her. She said that she loves you."

The pink-haired girl stutters, "R-Really? She told you that?"

"Well, not directly, but she said that she accepts your feelings."

Natsuki sighs, before saying, "Okay. much of my stuff can I bring?"

"You won't have to bring anything. I already have your belongings at my house. Well, duplicates of them. You'll have your own bedroom, and you'll have access to as much food as you want. And no one will hurt you."

Her eyes begin tearing up, which she then hugs me tightly, saying, "Thank you...thank you, Libitina."

Hugging her back, and running my hand through her hair in a gentle manner, I say in a soothing tone, "You will never be hurt again, my cupcake. I will protect you."

I pick her up into my arms, and walk out of the bedroom, going downstairs. I set her down, which then a gruff male voice says, "Who the hell are you?"

Turning around, I see her father now awake, holding a new beer bottle in his hand. His eyes dart over to Natsuki, who is cowering behind me.

"Natsuki, where do you think you're going?"

Natsuki says timidly, "I'm-I'm moving out, Papa. I'm moving in with one of my friends..."

He then screams furiously, "Like hell you are! Get over here you little bitch!"

Her father briskly walks over to her grabs her by the arm, trying to drag her away from me. She lets out a yelp of pain saying, "Papa, stop! It hurts!"

That's when something inside of me snaps. My eyes shift into a bloody glowing red color, a sign of my Third Eye opening. I summon a ball of flaming red energy into my hand. My voice drops down into a demonic tone.

"Leave her alone!"

Launching myself at him, I punch him in the face, making him stumble back. He releases his hold on Natsuki, which she sprints away from him a good distance away. I shove him onto the ground and I climb on top of his stomach. I begin punching him in the face.

"I hate people like you! People who think that they can abuse innocent people just because they can sicken me! You disgust me!"

By repeatedly punching him in the face, blood starts leaking out of his nose and mouth. Natsuki then comes over to me and grabs my arm saying, "Libitina, stop! Just leave him! He's not worth it! I don't want him to die. I just want to go home. Please?"

I turn my head towards her, seeing her scared expression. I close my eyes and allow my Third Eye to close. Opening them back up again, my eyes are now back to their original white color.

I say in my original voice, "Okay, Natsuki."

I get off of her father, and I scoop the pink-haired girl into my arms, walking out of her house, and slamming the door behind me.

While on the way back, Natsuki then says, "P-Put me down! I'm not crippled!"

She then flails around, which I then say, "Nats, quit struggling. We're almost there. I'll put you down there."

Natsuki sighs impatiently, and surrenders, saying in an annoying tone, "Fine. But hurry up."

I then break out into a full sprint, which makes Natsuki yelp out in surprise. In almost no time at all, we make it home. Opening the door, I enter inside and head up the stairs and into a bedroom next to Sayori's. I set her down. With curious fuchsia eyes, and looking towards me, she asks, "Is this my bedroom?"

Nodding my head I say, "Yes. Go on. Open it."

She swings the door open and then lets out an audible gasp at the way that it looks. Gone are her broken and damaged objects, and have been replaced with new ones. She enters and looks around, before looking at the closet. Curious, she opens it to find her whole box full of manga from the literature clubroom.

Turning back towards me, she runs up to me and hugs me tightly. Speaking in a whisper, she says, "Thank you...this is all I ever wanted..."

Hugging her back, I say, "You're welcome Natsuki."

I take a look at her thin, skinny frame. I ask, "Hey. Are you hungry?"

She nods her head. I tell her where the kitchen is, which she then exits her room and heads down the stairs.

Two down. One to go. 

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