Saving Yuri

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Libitina's P.O.V.

Leaving the house behind me, I begin sprinting towards one of the houses where my orchid-haired princess awaits me. Huffing and puffing on my way there, I force myself to go faster, despite the physical state of my body. After several minutes, I finally make it to her door. Looking up into the window, I see a woman with long violet-colored hair with her back facing towards the window. I walk up to the window and pick up a rock, throwing it against the window. The woman turns around to stare at me with wide amethyst colored eyes.

I say, "Hey Yuri, it's me, Libitina. Can you let me in?"

She reluctantly nods and disappears from her window. After waiting a few minutes, I hear the sound of a door unlocking, before the door swings open slightly, with Yuri's head poking out of the house.

She says shyly, "U-um, h-hi there. W-What brings you h-here at my h-humble adobe at this time of night?"

"I need to speak to you about some things. In private."

Her face flushes a deep red, which she says, "O-okay. W-Well, come on in."

She disappears from the door, allowing me to walk inside. Looking around the house, I take note of how nice everything looks. From the furniture to the wallpaper, even to the knick-knacks on the mantle by the fireplace match with the whole 'sophisticated' vibe.

"W-Would you l-like some tea?"

"Sure, I'll have some."

I head on over to the couch while I wait for her to make the tea. She begins getting the necessary materials to make the tea, before boiling some hot water in a tea pitcher. I watch while she moves in an elegant manner. Almost like how I move.

Several minutes pass and the pitcher is ready. She prepares the tea, mixing it all together before asking, "How do you like your tea?"

"Regular, with a ludicrous amount of sugar in it, please."

"S-So sweet tea?"

"Yes, if you please. Preferably made southern-style."

She nods and continues. Grabbing a sugar container and a spoon, she adds a few spoonfuls of sugar into the tea, mixing it all together with another spoon. She finally hands me a red-colored teacup to me, with a purple one in her hands. Sitting next to me on the couch a cushion away, she finally asks, "S-So, what was it that you wanted to talk about with me?"

Bluntly, I say, "I am worried about your self harming tendencies. I want you to come over and stay at my place, where you can be monitored."

Her eyes widen, which she says flatly, "My mental health is none of your concern, Libitina. I'm not harming anyone around me. Just leave me in peace."

Shaking my head, I say, "I'm afraid I can't do that, Yuri. I know first hand what it feels like to be addicted to harming yourself. Because...well..."

I pull up the long sleeves of my brown shirt, revealing layers of bandages wrapped around both my upper and lower sections of my arms. She gasps softly saying, "Y-You d-do it t-too?"

Nodding my head, I say, "I do, but for different reasons than you. I know that you're a bit of a masochist when it comes to pain. I do it for the release of negative emotions and painful memories. It serves as a...distraction for those kinds of things. Does it help me? During the moment, yes. But long-term it makes those that care about me worried for my safety."

"B-But why? What can be s-so bad that you would want to hurt yourself like that?"

My face pales at that answer. I sigh deeply, saying, "I will explain to you and the other three when the time is right. Right now, I'll also explain my other reasons for wanting you to move in with me. I' love with well as your other club members. I hate how Monika has treated you game after game. I'm going to make sure that she never hurts any of you again. And provide the means to help yourselves."

She takes my arms in her hands, pulling me into a deep hug.

" must understand that my need to get off of pain can't go away. It's a part of me."

"Well, I-I can help with that...I can satisfy for masochism in...other ways..."

Both of our faces blush deeply at the implications behind my words.

"...but for now, I had Zion replicate your bare necessities and your personal belongings, as well as an exact replica of your bedroom at his mansion. Would you like to come with me?"

Releasing me, she pulls me into a deep kiss, making me let out a small squeak of surprise. Catching me off guard, she pushes me onto the couch. I push her away from me, saying, "As much as I like this little fiasco, I really need to get back home. Otherwise, my family and friends will worry about me and most likely go on a hunt for me, haha..."

Laughing sheepishly at that last statement, I stand up and finish drinking the tea. "Well, flower, are you ready?"

"Whenever you are."

A rare smile spreads across her face, which makes me smile in return. We begin heading out of her house and begin the short trek back to Zion's place.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2020 ⏰

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