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Paris was even more beautiful than I'd imagined.

Busy, yes. Cold, yes. But extraordinary? Definitely. It was an extremely last-minute decision, and we technically shouldn't have gone with all the work we should have been doing at home, but who really cared. It was Christmas Eve, and we were in Europe. Where Ian had always wanted to go.

And he was truly happy. He hadn't stopped smiling since the second we stepped off the plane, I'd never heard him say "wow, look at that" more in all the time I'd known him, and his excitement was fueling my happiness more than anything else. Because seeing the love of my life so incredibly joyful never failed to make me feel twice that happy, no matter what the circumstances.

Tonight, it was Christmas Eve. I was still undecided whether or not I wanted to propose tonight or tomorrow; we left the day after that. Thinking about it left my stomach in knots and my heart racing, but I wanted to ask him so bad. The ring was burning a hole in my suitcase.

It was getting late; the sun had set completely and the city had turned on every last Christmas light strung around light posts and bridges. The snow was falling lightly outside and tourists were finally holing up in their hotel rooms for the night, where Ian and I were right now. I stood by the window watching the city unwind as he brushed his teeth, and I decided I'd have to pop the question tomorrow. It was just too late for tonight.

A moment later, the bathroom door creaked open, and a few soft footsteps later, Ian was by my side, smiling out the window.

"I could look at it forever," he remarked, glancing over at me.

I smiled at him. "I could look at you forever."

He laughed softly, leaning into my arm.

A moment later, he grew silent. "But seriously," he said quietly, "thank you. This has been so incredible." His smile faded slightly. "You lied, though."

My stomach tightened and I raised my eyebrows. "Huh?"

He looked back out the window. "I mean... you said no presents, and then you went out and took me to the one place I've always wanted to go." His gaze shifted back up to meet my eyes. "And I'll never be able to repay you for that."

I bit the inside of my cheek, but I couldn't hold back my smile. Right then, I knew what I had to do. Tonight.

"What would you say if I told you I actually got you another present?"

"Then I'd be really mad!" He rolled his eyes jokingly and chuckled. "Asshole, I really didn't get you anything!" 

I laughed and stepped forward, pulling him against me. He nuzzled up to my chest and returned the embrace, breathing out against my jacket.

"But I didn't want you to get me anything. I already have everything I've ever wanted."

This time, he didn't even make some sarcastic comment about how gay I was or shoot back some joking remark. He just hugged me tighter, and I could have sworn his breathing hitched slightly.

"I love you," he whispred, and sure enough, his voice was trembling.

I pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, speaking against his skin. "I love you too."

A moment later, he pulled back, smirking slightly. "So how about that other present?"

I smiled to mask the nervousy forming in the pit of my stomach. "Let's go for a walk."

He raised his eyebrows, glancing at the clock over my shoulder. "Now?"

I bit my lip, grabbing his hand. "Come on."

Nothing For Christmas (Ianthony)Where stories live. Discover now