Hollow! Ch. 7

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We quickly find the hollow and I draw my blade. I smirk at Ichigo. "Show me your stuff, Rook!" I shout at him, he grins in response.
"You too, grandma!" I flinch back and fake cry.
"I'm only 149! I'm not that old in human years, though!"
He chuckles and draws his Zanpakto. He charges at the hollow and I jump after him. He slashes it's face and I drive my Zanpakto through its face. As it's body crumbles away, I kneel on the concrete and kiss my fingers, holding my had to the sky.
"May you find peace." Ichigo glaces at me confused.
"Whatcha doin that for?" He asks, keeling next to me. I smile softly and keep my eyes on the disappearing hollow.
"I'm wishing him luck in the soul society. He was a lonely soul, no wonder he turned." Ichigo nods and presses his fingers on his lips, copying me.
"Find peace." He says, punching his fist into the sky. I laugh and stand on my feet.
"You make it sound so aggressive!"
Rukia laughs and grabs my arm. "Hey, Ichigo. Himiko is one of the strongest Shinigami. Or, she has the potential to be. She is 3rd seat in one of the Gotei 13 divisions. " I flex and wink at Ichigo.
"Yeah... I'm kind of a big deal..."
Ichigo pokes my arms and glances at Rukia. "You sure? Look at her noodle arms..."
I slap his hand away and glare. "Excuse me! You're looking at the granddaughter of the Genryūsai! By blood, I am a literal god!"
Rukia laughs and shakes her head. "The Genryūsai is not a god. Though it may seem like that sometimes." Ichigo crakes up at my facial expression and we head back to school. Rukia glances at me.
"Hey, Himiko. Where are you staying at?" I smirk and shoot finger guns at her.
"No idea. Kisuke let me stay at his place, but he said to find someone else. So... Got any spare room?" Ichigo protests and shakes his head.
"No.... No, no, no, no, no! You are not sleeping in my closet too. One stalker is already enough." I burst out laughing and point at Rukia.
"You sleep in his closet! What if Byakuya saw you?! What would he say?!"
She blushes and glares at me. "Shut up, Himiko. One time,  I found you asleep, standing on your feet in the middle of a river, balancing on a rock. Don't start with me on sleeping arrangements." I laugh and shrug.
"Sometimes things just be that way."
Ichigo looks at me with an idea flashing in his eyes. "Ask Orihime to stay at her place. She has stronger spirit energy and we need someone to look after her for a little bit." I nod, finding our way back to Ichigo's body.
"Is she the one with orange hair?"
Ichigo nods and transfers back into his body. "She won't say no."
We run to class, opening the door. Our classmates glance at us and sigh. "Why are you always late, Ichigo? Now you have already rubbed off on the new girl." I laugh and stand next to Orihime.
"Is it okay if I sit here?" I ask, pointing to an open chair. She nods, smiling at me with closed eyes. "So, how are you Orihime? I haven't made a lot of friends since I started attending school here, and you caught my eye. I love your hair, by the way!" I say, running a hand through mine, winking at her. She giggles.
"I'm great, Himiko-chan. I'd love to be friends." I gush, wrapping her in a tight hug.
"Oh my goodness! You're so sweet, Orihime-chan! Let's hangout sometime!" She nods and smiles at me.
"Where are you staying?" I frown and glance away. "Don't tell anyone, but I don't really have a place right now. Last nigh I stayed at a friend's, but they said to find somewhere else to stay." Orihime stares and me with wide eyes and grins.
"Himiko-chan! You can stay at my house! It would be like a sleep over every night! We can cook together, eat together, study together... Oh my gosh, it's going to be so fun!" I hug her again.
"Thanks so much, Orihime-chan! You're way to kind! I'm so excited! I've never been to a sleepover before." She nods and smiles at me, reassuringly.
"It's okay, I'm a great host. I'll make you great food!"

Our classes pass by without another call and Orihime grabs my arm, linking it through hers. "Let's go home, Himi-chan!"
I grin at her and we practically skip to her place. Once we get there, I place my bag on the floor and look around at her modest home.
"You have such a beautiful place, Hime-chan. It reminds me of my apartment back home." She smiles at me and slips off her shoes, I do the same.
"Where did you live before?" We sit on the floor and Orihime grabs some snacks from her kitchen.
"A city far away from here." I laugh, answering vaguely. She nods, setting down ice cream, chips, and bean paste. I laugh and look at her, confused. "What's the bean paste for?"
She giggles and scoops her icecream, pouring the bean paste on top. I crinkle my nose and watch her eat it.
"Yum!~" She says, shoveling another bite.
"That's good?" I ask, peering at her weird creation. She nods quickly and shoves the spoon in my mouth. My eyes widen as the savoury bean mixed with the sweet ice cream. I smile in shock.
"Wow, Hime-chan! That is pretty good!"
She giggles and dips her chip into her concoction. "Try this too!" She shoves the chip on my mouth and I nod, chewing the chip.
"That's so weird! It's kinda good though!"

We talk for hours, Orihime tells me a lot about herself and I try to return the favor, but also not give away any information on my alter ego.
Orihime yawns and stretched out her arms. "Are you *yawn* tired?" I ask, yawning mid-sentence. She giggles and nods.
"Here, let me get you some pajamas. Would you like shorts or pants? My pants may be a little too long..." I point at the shorts.
"Thanks for everything, Orihime. I'll never forget your kindness." She smiles and hands me the clothes.
"When I look at you, Himiko. I can tell that you would do the same." I nod and walk to her bathroom, closing the door behind me. I pull off my clothes and pull on Orihime's. The shirt was a little big, due to her large chesticles, but the shorts fit fine. I wash my face and pull my hair into a lose bun. Once I step back out, Orihime had made two sleeping areas on the ground, blankets piled everywhere.
"What's this?" I ask, walking towards her. She smiles at me and points to a pillow.
"That is were you're sleeping." Then she points to a pillow a couple feet away from mine. "And this is where I will be sleeping." I nod and lay down, pulling the blankets around me. Once she settles down, I grin at her.
"So this is what a sleepover is like?" She nods and yawns.
"Sleeping on the ground, next to each other, is one of the most important rules to a sleepover." I laughs and close my eyes, yawning.
"Night, Hime-chan." She doesn't reply, but the soft sounds of her snoring was an answer enough.

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