Nobody likes your winnebago, Murdoc... also you join the band

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"Come on, come on, Y/N. You're falling behind. We haven't even gotten to the best part yet." Murdoc says impatiently as he drags you to the next room.

"Okay I'm comin'. Bloody hell." You respond, still hungry.

Murdoc has been dragging you around all day and you really just wanted some snacks. You really weren't in the mood to deal with this pickle's shit. He's weird and he smells bad and you just hated it. I mean, he wears cologne so he's obviously not TRYING to smell like shit but you personally, weren't really a fan of the brand that was on him so that was so udderly disappointing for you. He also smells like rum. You do not like the smell of rum.

Murdoc kicks down the door to what was presumably the garage. "Now fer the main attraction..." Murdoc said, sounding overly excited about the situation. "Mah love shack on wheels!" Murdoc spun on his heel, somehow not falling over and makes an exaggerated pose in front of what you thought to be his winnebago which that hypothesis was indeed correct. That was in fact a winnebago and it certainly was his winnebago as well.

You stare at it not really knowing what else to say other than "When is the pizza coming?" but you decided to just stare at the thing with unmitigated disinterest as he'd probably go on another drunken musical number and you are really not feeling a straight up musical right now.

Murdoc was obviously very upset about your lack of giving a shit about his prized winnebago he pretty much lived in. I mean, considering the way he presented it why wouldn't he?

"Y/N? Y/N dahling? Are you not seeing it? Did it go invisible?" Murdoc glanced behind him only to see the winnebago still there. "Well clearly we need ta get yer eyes checked 'cuz you can't not be amazed by my lovely winnebago." You just stood there lowkey drifting off into a daydream. "Well you're obviously gonna end up bein' a pain in my bum just like your friend Faceache, now aren't ya?"

"Listen, mate. Relax. I've just got a serious case of the munchies, that's all. I mean, I haven't bloody eaten all day, you know." You respond nonchalantly.

"Well that doesn't excuse you fro-"

"Pizza is here." Russel interrupted.

You start breathing heavily, mumbling the word "pizza" under those heavy breaths, like a gremlin. Eventually those mumbles turned into blood curdling screams as you ran into the kitchen where all of the pizza was at. Murdoc just sighs and follows.

You scramble through the halls and fall on the door to the kitchen, causing it to rip off the hinges and fall on the floor because your weight on the door. Everybody looks at you on top of the fallen door.

"Why hello, everyone." You said calmly as you proceeded to stand back up as if nothing happened.

"Christ, woman." Murdoc says in shock of the now unhinged door on the floor.

"Well I told you I was hungry." You say as you walked over to all the pizza and bread knots on the table.

You grab a few slices of pizza and throw them on a paper plate and you grab some bread knots and throw them on top of the pizzas. After getting all your food, you go over to 2D and sit next to him as he was the only person you remotely knew. I mean, all these people are weird and he was probably the most normal person here in your eyes, even if it doesn't really look like he has any eyes which makes it kinda ironic in a way.

You proceed to calmly eat your food. And when I say you were calmly eating your food, I mean you were just violently shoving it into your mouth whilst 2D was watching. Like he was just staring at you which was kinda weird.

You glance at 2D in confusion. "Whot?" You said, mouth still full of pizza.

2D blushes and swiftly turns away. "N-nuvink."

You squint at him. "Awlright."

You swallow your food and turn away. 2D glances back at you again but you didn't think anything of it. You aren't a tsundere in this so you didn't really give a damn.

But after about... mmmmmm, ten minutes, you had finished your food. "Aight. I'm done. What do I do."

Everybody stares at one another, not really knowing. But soon enough, an idea popped into Murdoc's head. "You know, we never really decided on what part Y/N's gonna play in this band, haven't we?"

"Oh right. We didn't." You said as you scootch back in your chair.

"So I thought we could maybe decide on that cuz, what's the point of being in a band if you can't even do anything, eh?"

"Well he does have a point." Russel said thoughtfully. "But what the hell will she be playing?"

"Well I've been thinking she could maybe man the studio. Take care of special effects, or something. Maybe she could screw around on the keyboard sometimes if she wants... maybe sing sometimes but that depends."

"Well..." You began, thinking a bit. "I'm not really all that good at singing, and all that zazz but everything else I'm down with doing. I don't mind."

"Okay well it's decided, then! Y/N's part of the band!" Murdoc shouts as he violently gestures at you with his arms. "Wait... are you any good at any of that? You can't be in the band and play like shit, you know."

"Well I used to play piano so I think the keyboard thing shouldn't be too much of a problem. But if it doesn't work out then I guess I can just tune your instruments or whatever if you need."

"Hmm..." Murdoc thinks a bit, rubbing his chin as he did so. "Well... sounds like a deal." The pickle man stood up from his seat and heads toward the doorway. "Now I'm gonna go grab myself a drink. If anybody needs me, I'll be in mah winnebago." He glances down at the broken down door. "And if somebody could deal with this 'door on the floor' situation, that would be appreciated 'cuz I'm not gonna do it."

"I'll do it." You sigh as you stood up from your seat only for 2D's long ass arm to be placed upon your shoulder, stopping you.

"No. I'll do it." 2D insists.

"No, Stuart it only makes sense I do it. It was kinda my fault."

2D looks up at you with puppy eyes. "No, Y/N. I insist."

"Stu, no. I'm doing it."

2D prepares to say something only to get interrupted by Russ. "I'll do it. We don't got time for this."

You smack your lips. "Okay fine. Kinda got out of my chair for nothing though."

2D perks up. "'Ey! I could show ya mah room... if you'd like!"

"Oh, you don't have to. I don't even know where I left my stuff so I figured-"

"It's okay! I can wait. Mah room does got sum straightenin' up ta do, anyway."

"Jeez. So eager." You mutter. You sigh in defeat. "Okay I will just as soon as I find my shit. But don't-"

"Ah! Dammit!" Russel says in pain, holding his foot. "It's fine. I'm fine. Just stubbed my toe tryn' ta grab my tools. Don't worry 'bout me."

You and 2D just kinda stare at him awkwardly. "Kay so what I was saying is you better not try anything or else I'll kill you, agreed?" 2D nods innocently. "Cool. I'm gonna go look for my shit. My stupid ass didn't take my things with me for whatever reason."

You exit through the doorway, not the one Russel was trying to fix of course, and practically turn the place inside out looking for your stuff.

2D smiles and makes his way into his room. He was really looking forward to that for some reason. I mean, he wasn't really expecting the sex to happen or anything but he was still excited nonetheless. He didn't know why. Just likes you I guess.

I Jus' Like Yew, I Guess (2D x reader)Where stories live. Discover now