Seeing you again- Asian model

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San Francisco 2019 November 25th
Kentfield Hospital
Room 304

Third POV

       Inside the hospital room lies one hospital bed containing a beautiful but weak looking woman hooked up to machines that's keeping her alive. The woman has been there for 7 years. Three times out the week she is visited by someone mysterious but today they weren't there. All of a sudden her fingers started to slowly move and her eyebrows furrow together.

***In her dreams***

Woman's POV

       I walked through the never ending forest naked for all eyes to see but it felt like I haven't seen civilization in days. I only met trees and bugs as I keep walking. I've never gotten tired. Never sat down. Never took a rest. I only wanted one thing. TO GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS FUCKING FOREST. Then suddenly I stopped. I looked straight ahead seeing a big clearing. I quickly ran though the trees as some of the branches snap and scratch against my skin. As I enter the clearing I saw a big water garden with fireflies flying around it. It was like the atmosphere changed completely as the late afternoon sky turns into night. That's when I was met with beautiful lotus flowers of all shapes and colors that glowed. I smiled in astonishment as I walk closer to it.
       Although, I couldn't help but, hear voices coming from somewhere. I look around to see where the enchanting voices were coming from but, there was no one around. I kept looking around until I found out that the voices was coming from the lotus flowers.
I looked around seeing the enchanting flowers until one caught my eyes. It wasn't a blossomed lotus like the others and it was significantly bigger. But what caught my eyes the most is how dim it was. I wanted to get a closer look but it was too far in.
My interest in the lotus bud grew bigger and bigger the more I looked at it until I couldn't take it anymore and put both my feet inside. Surprisingly it wasn't steep instead, it it was quite shallow. The closer I got to the bud the more my curiosity grew.
I slowly walked up to it when I saw how the bud was translucent white with gold specs on it. As I got closer I could see a human-like figure inside of it curled up in the middle.
I lean in and touched the hard outside layer of the flower bud making the human-like figure move. "Hello, is someone inside?" I asked frantically. Blind to the fact that it might kill me but, I was just excited to see another living thing besides plants and bloody insects. The figure sat up, rubbed it's eyes, and yawned. It stops and gets up walking closer to me. My breath hitches as he walks closer towering over me. I curse at myself for acting oblivious to the fact that it might kill me if it had the chance but I realize the hard outer layer is separating the figure from me.
"Who are you?!" I question noticing cat like ears on it's s head twitch at my voice. "What are you?" I whisper that question. "Princessa, come back to me." The figure says with a soft but slightly whimpered tone as it places it's hand in the inner wall of the lotus bud.
I try to search in it's eyes for any mal intentions but, the translucent bud walls blocked all the figure's features. Of course, I had to act like the white girls in the horror movies and place my hand on the outer layer of the bud where the out line of the figure's hand is. Causing him to purr in satisfaction. "Thank you." The figure say as hit voice hitched. "For what?!" I asked the figure confused. "For coming back to me." The figure says as its hand reaches though the hard outer shell as if it was portal and grabbed my hand pulling me into the lotus bud.
"What the hell?!" I scream as I feel a weird sensation as I cross though the bud's layers. Then the sensation stops and I notice we are in a room. It was medium size but it was adorable.

    "Where the hell am I?" I asked trying to be intimidating but deep down I was scared as shit

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"Where the hell am I?" I asked trying to be intimidating but deep down I was scared as shit. "I'm so sorry mate. I couldn't help but bring you here." A handsome Asian man with tattoos said timidly that if this was a different situation I would of thought it was cute but, this case is technically kidnapping. "Why did you bring me here? Who are you? Why do you have cat ears with a human body? And why are you staring at me like that?" I said catching him looking up and down my body with eyes filled with desire.
I suddenly realized I was naked and grabbed a cover off the bed to cover myself up. "Hey, eyes up here?!" I warned him. His eyes flickered to mine, standing there in silence. The situation soon turned to awkward. Well, at least for me. "Ummm...can I get some...clothes?" I ask trying to end this one sided staring contest. He snaps out of his stare. "Oh, yeah yeah sure." He says as he rushes past me to his closet and grab a big hoodie with sweatpants. Then hands them to me. "I'll explain everything to you once you change. Please don't run away. The tattooed man said as he walked out the room and closed the door behind him. I locked the door behind him. Making sure that he won't peek as I was getting dressed.
After I was done I looked around to see if there was a way to escape incase things goes south. I look around for an exit and that's when I see a window. I check to see if it could open and it did. Then, I checked to see if I could use anything as a weapon Incase he tried something funny. Seeing a baseball bat in the corner I evilly grin to myself. If he tried anything that handsome face would be all bruised up and that would be a shame wouldn't it.
I walk to the door and open it finding the tattooed man in the hall by the door. I turn to him as he stares at me. "I'm ready." I said preparing for what ever to happen next.

*I have writers block with this one but, I will finish it. I'll release another storyline before I finish this one.*

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