F*ck being friends- Lizzo and RM I

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*Before y'all start. The reason I made this short story is because Lizzo and Kim Namjoon are the people who inspire me and help me to become confident in myself and I'll be forever happy if they find a happy ever after, Realistically though😅😅😅 even with someone else. I just imagined them together and decided to make a storyline with them as lovers. If u don't like it please DO NOT READ IT.*

❗️❗️❗️Disclamer this is based off of fake events some I hope will come true.❗️❗️❗️❗️

From me to my inspirations

Fluff for now

Story key:

2021. Grammy.

8 O'Clock at night

        "And the Grammy winning nominee for album of the year of 2021 is

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"And the Grammy winning nominee for album of the year of 2021 is...drum roll please... THE #1 INTERNATIONAL BOY GROUP "BTS"!!!" A person on the stage says. The crowd clapped and screams loudly as the big screen camera points at the seven handsomely dressed boys as all of their mouths gapped open in surprise. They got up still in a dazed state as they walked to the stage and looked around at the audience mostly filled with unfamiliar faces and some familiar clapping for them.

Once, they got on stage, the boys was handed a trophy by one of the announcers that left the stage after. Namjoon went up to the mic and began speaking.

           (*I just summed up something Namjoon would say

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(*I just summed up something Namjoon would say. I know his speeches would be more greater and tearjerking than mine but, hopefully it's close.*)

"Back then when we debuted we were met with so much hate. So much, that we almost disbanded but, we decided to give it one more try and see where we could go because, we believed that our voices could be heard. Through all those years of hate from others and self- doubt, there was two things that left us going. One was our friendship and brotherhood. The other one was the purple specks we like to call our Army. They shined through all of that red canvas that's called hate and our self- doubt and told us that we are being heard by them. Our voices, emotions, longings and hopes were being heard by them through our music. They believed in us when no one did and as our family continues to get bigger. We only feel more love and feel the need to continue to show our emotions, longings and hopes through our music. Now, I will finish off with this. Army you are ours and we are yours. Thank you!!!"

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