recurring demons

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Hey move you freaking weirdo.
You were the one not watching where you were going.

Look who it is, it's Mr I'm crazy.
I'm crazy, look whose talking.

You really thought I liked you what a weirdo.
Then why the hell did you kiss me?.

What the hell are you doing?.
Studying duh.

Stay away from there you demon.
I'm not a demon, you are my father remember

I don't know what is wrong with that kid, he's bad news I tell you.
Never was good enough for you.

I wish you were never born.
Well the feelings mutual

I should have aborted you.
Then why didn't you, would have saved me a lot of pain.

It's because of you that my life is like this.
Your life's like this because you couldn't keep your dick in your pants.

Isn't that your brother, yea but we are not related, he's adopted.
I'm adopted?!, well fuck you too you piece of shit.

You are leaving?,  good riddance.
You'll pay for this.

All of you I swear one day I'll make you pay for this.

*Wakes up * a nightmare, again .
*pulls my leg and hugs my self * when will these demons leave me alone.

Haven't I suffered enough, that is from these recurring demons

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