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The chance to be sorry is Long gone.

Dug myself into a hole with no way out.

Back against the wall I mean how could I resist.

This wasn't supposed to happen I keep denying.

I wish I could disappear.

I can't stand myself.

Moping around, spouting lies, grieving a broken heart.

I hold on desperately to these feelings and shut my eyes.

So why does this ill gotten guilt refuse to go away.

I suffocate under it's weight.

Cause my chance is long gone.

Always Discouraged by my weakness.

I drop to my knees and grovel at the ground.

Clinging selfishly to the hope for forgiveness.

I'm full of regret and powerless to change.

I feel my heart being tortured and torn apart.

On this night of endless shame and despair.

Why can't I get my act together.

I have nothing but this pathetic self of mine.

I hope you'll forgive me.

There I go again.
Pleading for your forgiveness.

I'm really pathetic aren't I.

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