hate me please

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Do you hate me now?.

Cause I've left, never said a word.

Do you hate me now?.
Cause I loved you just as you did for me.

Do you hate me now?.
Cause perhaps you'll never see me again.

Do you hate me now?.
Cause I've dived off the cliff.

Sanity fading
Desperation increasing
Hand's outstretching
Fingers grasping
Caught nothing but air.

Stare into my eyes what do you see.
Tell me nothing please.

I've been defined to be soulless, without a heart.

Without emotions.

Without morals.

I've been cursed to be hated, fated to be cursed.

Never to be loved.

And when I do seek love, someone's bound to be hurt.

I try to pull back but your fingers grasp hard.

Please let me go,it might hurt now but as long as you hate me, it'll fade out.

So please I beg you,  Hate me please.

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