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I noticed I got the lei uncle and dad named mixed up I will be fixing it soon.

Laiah POV

"Unc have you seen Jordan?" I asked walking up to uncle mane

"Do it look like I keep tabs on that nigga" he asked mugging me

"It was just a question" I said rolling my eyes Before walking away

"Say man Lemme holla at chu real quick?" Uncle man said pulling to the side

"Wassup" I said irritated

"Knock the attitude outchea before I do it for you" he said staring at me "na I heard you being hard on my sister wassup with it?"  He said making me smack my lips

why the hell is everybody in my business!

"I left alone I advise you to too, how I handle my mother issues is on me" I said staring at my nails I already felt bad enough about being a dick I don't need nobody else to make me feel even worse.

"That's yo problem na that slick ass mouth" he said walking away from me.

I didn't care what nobody had to say though, I'm hurting and nobody sees that they just see me being disrespectful and I'm not even intentionally trying to.

I walked in the house hoping to find Jordan in there I was ready to go , the whole time we was here he spent most of his time in there so I heard.

"Laiah!? Oh my gosh you don got so big" some old woman said walking up to me hugging me. I hugged her back smiling although I didn't know her nor her name ATLEAST I don't remember.

"Sorry about your mom I'll keep you guys in my prayers" she said walking away leaving me confused

"I'm surprised you remember Ms.E" I heard my dad say from behind me

"Oo that's who that was" I said in amazement she didn't look like she aged a bit from what I remembered

"Yeah say come talk to me" he said walking over to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we walked towards the backyard with everybody else.
"I just wanna say I apologize for putting my hands on you when we first rekindled, as your father I was wrong. I didn't like the way you was talking and I for sure wasn't expecting you to become pregnant at such a young age"

"You really hurt my feelings all of y'all did, y'all tried to comeback after 7 year and try to tell me how to live my life when you guys knew nothing about me. It would've been different if you guys would've got to know the new me and not think I'm still the same ole lei that you guys remember cause she's long gone."

"As your parents we suppose to protect you as beat as we could from anyone or anything ...

"But who gon protect me from y'all? Cause outta all the hurt I've been through you and your wife hurt me the most" I said sitting at a nearby table dabbing at my eyes

"Aight so talk to me munchkin anything you wanna talk about or get off your chest tell me, im learning how to listen more" he said sitting across from me

"I don't know where to start" I laughed still wiping my eyes as tears fell down

"Start from the night we left you up until now we have all day I'm not leaving your side no more cross my heart" he said kissing my hand.


Day before Mother's Day

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