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Omniscient POV

"we gon play a game and see if you and your family end up like my daughter" G said pulling out his gun

"No please don't hurt us!" Aniyah begged covering justice eyes.

"Didn't I say no guns!" Jigz yelled walking in the main room " she have a child on her lap!"

"I'm doing shit my way!" G yelled walking over to Aniyah "what happened to my daughter? She lost her baby, and was beaten up pretty badly"  G said removing justice off Aniyah lap. If she say the right thing she might not end up as badly as my baby.

"No please! Atleast don't hurt my daughter please" Aniyah begged grabbing onto justice hand

"We can just shoot y'all hands apart?" Seam smirked pulling out his gun showing both of them

"Aniyah I'm scared" justice said letting Aniyah hand go covering her eyes

"This not the fucking plan! Y'all scaring a little ass girl." Erza said. He didn't know why he thought these to overgrown non listening ass niggas would follow a plan.  "Come on I'm not gon hurt you" Erza said trynna get her out the room. He didn't want her to see her mom get hurt cause he knew he wouldn't want his child to see that.

"Both of y'all shut up, when she start saying the right shit is when I'll put my gun up, but until then seam handle that maybe she needs to be roughened up" G said

"Say less" seam smirked walking up to Aniyah smacking the shit out of her knocking her out the chair "now bitch start talking!" Seam yelled kicking Aniyah in the stomach making her cough

"O O okay!" Aniyah yelled unable to take the pain anymore

"What happened?" G asked grabbing a hand full of Aniyah hair staring in her face

"W w we was just suppose to rob her thats it"  she cried holding her stomach

"Huh give her this" jigz said handing her a water bottle. He didn't need her to pass out or anything.

"Jigz we holding her hostage not catering to her she good" G said taking the water bottle from Aniyah "I see you getting old forgetting the game" he laughed opening the water bottle splashing it in her face

"Well y'all over here double teaming a woman? So make sure y'all have that same energy when Jordan come fucking dumb asses"  jigz said helping Aniyah up to the chair

"I stay strapped" seam laughed playing with his gun  while G agreed pointing his gun to Aniyah head.

"Aight so Aniyah how she end up in the hospital?" Jigz said sitting in front of her "everybody else out" jigz yelled watching everyone go there separate ways

"Hold up Leland go to the gas station and get some gas we gon burn this bitch up" g laughed handing him a ten. He wasn't following their plan the shit was weak he needed some spice and that's exactly what he gon get.

"Can I holla at you real quick?" Seam asked Erza, he wanted to apologize to his part in what happened and get some things off his chest.

"Yeah" Erza said looking at him skeptical "let's talk round back" Erza said walking to the back of the house just in case Jordan pull up they won't be out in the open.

"Where y'all going?" Stunna asked looking at Erza

"Handle something" Erza said walking out the front door

"Y'all need a referee?" Stunna asked serious, he's honestly been waiting on the day Erza finally decides to beat Arseamian ass and he wanted front row seats.

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