◇●The Devil And Jesus●◇

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"Okay, so far we have been tested with steganography in the lift, morse code in the notebook and we had to work out the connection between a painting and a fireplace so we could unlock the lock, that was done by substituting letters for numbers, all quite older versions of cyphers so I assume that all of our tasks today will be to do with cracking codes?" Eyeing the paper, Zoya typed the code into the laptop, pressed enter and stepped back.

"Okay, so far we have been tested with steganography in the lift, morse code in the notebook and we had to work out the connection between a painting and a fireplace so we could unlock the lock, that was done by substituting letters for numbers, a...

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The screen fizzled out to black only to reappear with a dark shaded image of a man.

"Is that meant to be Jesus? You can just about make out the thorns in his hair" squinting nearer to the screen, she jumped up onto the desk beside it

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"Is that meant to be Jesus? You can just about make out the thorns in his hair" squinting nearer to the screen, she jumped up onto the desk beside it. "Okay, so whatever cult this is, is old fashioned and has links to Christian faith, anything spring to mind?"

"What's the bets whoever is leading this thinks they're Jesus?" Aditya ran a hand over his stubble. "We need to be thinking about the possibility of a copycat cult, what famous cult leaders were seen as Jesus?"

"Wait" she jumped up, "The song in the elevator, who was it sang by?"

"Depeche Mode, covered by Marilyn Manson, oh" he smiled as it finally clicked, "Charles Manson said he was the reincarnation of Jesus, that's what this all has been pointing to" brushing his hand through waves of his charcoal coloured hair, he smirked, "Shit, you're smart".

Her eyes widened slightly at the compliment, in truth she hadn't been expecting it, people rarely took the time to say anything nice to her, especially not men and she definitely appreciated praise to her brain rather than to her beauty, she'd worked her ass off to get where she was and she yearned to be recognised for that. "Uh, thank you" she wrung her hands, covering her face with her hair so he wouldn't make out the blush.

He gasped "Are you smiling? Did I just make the great Zoya smile?" He teased, laughing as she shoved his arm.

"Oh, go away" but this time she didn't really mean it. Eyeing his watch, she glanced over at her own reflection "Charles Manson said 'Anything you see in me is in you, if you want to see a vicious killer, that's who you'll see, do you understand that? If you see me as your brother, that's what I'll be, it all depends on how much love you have, I am you and when you can admit that, you will be free, I am just a mirror', I bet this mirror is double-sided".

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