Let's go before the VSCO's show up

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“I wanna fuckin’ die.”

“You did.”

“Yeah but I wasn’t lucky enough to stay dead.”

“Shut the fuck up.”

Pidge and Lance sat in the backseat of Keith’s car, arguing. Hunk placed his head in his hands and sighed.

“I’ll buy you a video game if you quit complaining,” Lance bargained.

“Complaining in what sense?” Pidge asked.

“That doesn’t make sense.”

“Neither does your face.”

“Pidge,” Hunk started. “You were building robots at seven. I think you can come up with a better retort than that.”

“Hunk! You can’t agree with her! She’s being mean to me!”

Keith, the driver of the vehicle, was annoyed as hell at the two’s bickering, as it was 4 am and none of them had yet gotten coffee. They were on their way to Space’s mall for the blowout sale at all stores. They wanted to get there before the rush of crowds, and they lived quite far from it. 

“Guy’s, stop talking or I will drive off of the road.”

“I can introduce you all to Satan!” Pidge grinned.

“Oh, but we’ve already met you.” Keith looked in the rearview mirror and caught a glimpse of Pidge smacking Lance on the back of the head. The lanky boy keeled forwards in pain and whined.

“Pidge, that hurt!”

“Good. Maybe it’ll knock some sense into you.”

Keith groaned loudly and leaned over to Hunk.

“Is it too late to kick them out of the car?” he whispered. They had been driving for about an hour now, and were currently in the middle of nowhere. They would probably seem lost if not for the GPS on the dash. 

“I think so. But we could put them in the trunk,” Hunk whispered back. 

Keith looked at the rear view mirror again and saw Lance and Pidge had settled their argument and had turned to playing knuckles. It was a silly game where you tried to hit the other person’s hands, without having them hit yours. Keith had tried to stop them from playing this game after Pidge came over to his house with bleeding hands, asking for Shiro’s first aid kit. 

Keith and Hunk made eye contact and both shook their heads.

An hour later, they arrived at the mall. The sun was just rising, and there were already a few people that had camped out overnight. The four teenagers jumped into the line and Lance started a live Instagram feed.

“Guys, we out here, it’s cold as fuck, and it’s still dark out, but we goin’ shoppin’.”

“Lance turn off your fucking phone and be bored in the cold with us,” Pidge scolded.

“Pidge, please, the fans need to see me at all hours of the morning.”

“Yeah but your mom isn’t awake yet.”

Hunk spoke up. “Pidge, lets go get coffee. Lance and Keith can hold our spot.” He looked between Keith and Lance.

“Yeah, go do that. I’m gonna pass out,” Keith said. Pidge smiled up at him and chuckled a little bit, before shivers wracked her body.

“Are you cold?” all three boys asked.

Pidge laughed. Keith gave Lance a slight side eye. He knew that Hunk saw Pidge as a little sister, but he was also aware that Lance had had a gigantic crush on Pidge the previous year. He was almost certain that the crush had died down, but there was the odd time that he wasn’t sure. Pidge brought him out of his thoughts with a light punch to the arm.

“Hey, what do you want?”

“Oh, uhh, double double?”

“Gotcha. Lance? You?” 

“Whatever, I have no preference.”

“That is so not true.” Pidge opened her phone. “You want a venti, half-whole milk, one quarter one percent, one quarter non-fat, extra hot, split quad shots, one and a half shots decaf, two and a half  shots regular, no foam latte, with whip, two packets of splenda, one sugar in the raw, a touch of vanilla syrup and three short sprinkles of cinnamon.” 

“What the fuck?” Keith laughed. He laughed hard. There were tears in his eyes. Lance was the most complex Starbucks drinker.

“When did you write that down?” Lance asked, taking off his sweater to hand the small girl.

“According to my notes app, October 18th, 2016. The first time we went to Starbucks together.” 

Pidge took Lance’s sweater and pulled it over her own, then turned to Keith. She hugged him, trying to absorb his body heat. He laughed lightly, and kissed the top of her head.

“Pidge, let’s go before the VSCO’s show up,” Hunk said.

“Damn, Hunk, you a savage.” Pidge jumped onto his back and the two walked off to the Starbucks across the road.

Sorry it's short. I'm hella sick.
I'll update with the next chapter at some point, Idk when.


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