I feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack from all that caffeine.

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Lance sat on the ground, rubbing his arms from the early morning chill. Keith sat next to him, and laid down. He rested his arms behind his head. He looked at the sky, and all he could think about was Pidge. Her dreams to be a scientist, and travel through space. He remembered her words;

"I am going to space and I am going to save the world by blowing up my spaceship inside of an asteroid that would otherwise destroy the world."

"Pidge shut up about that movie!" Lance threw a pillow at her.

"Why'd you give Pidge your sweater?" he asked.

"Because she was cold? She's my best friend, I think I'm allowed." Lance turned his head to look at Keith. He broke out into a large smirk. "Jealousy, thy name is Keith. You think I'm still into Pidge?"

"So you're saying that if Pidge and I broke up right now, you wouldn't try to move in on her?"

"Hell no." Lance said, looking Keith dead in the eye. "Pidge is my best friend. If you broke up with her I'm pretty sure I'd just beat you up," he chuckled.

"Alright, that's fair. I don't see us breaking up, like, ever. So even if you wanted to move in on her, you'd have to kill me, sir." Keith laughed lightly.

"Can you two shut up about this hoe? I'm trying to sleep here," came a voice from a yellow tent next to them.

Keith sprang up and Lance had to hold him back from strangling this dude.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Lance said, holding Keith's legs.

"I mean if you're fighting over this girl, she's gotta be a bitch. No decent person makes her boyfriend jealous and hangs out with other guys. Is she really worth it man?" the voice continued.

"I think you should shut your mouth before this ends bad for you," Lance responded.

"You are so unhealthy it physically hurts me to look at you."

Pidge and Hunk walked back up with two drinks each.

"How do you think I'm still standing?" Pidge laughed.

"Can you guys believe Pidge asked the barista for an iced macchiato with seven espresso shots? And then she made us go over to the seven eleven next door, and dumped it, and three 5 hour energy drinks into the largest slushie cup. Then proceeded to fill it with blue raspberry slushie!"

"Jesus Christ just do cocaine," said Lance. He let go of Keith's legs and took his drink from Hunk.

"What- uh, what's going on here?" Pidge gestured to the two of them.

"Some asshole in a tent called you a bitch," said Keith. He took his coffee from his girlfriend and gave her a peck on the lips. "Should I take that from you?"

"No!" Pidge pulled it away from him and shielded it with her body. Keith wrapped his arms around her and kissed the shell of her ear.

"I can reach that, you know," he said quietly

"I hate your long arms." Pidge grumbled.

Keith took the large slushie cup from her hands and sat down with it. He took a sip of the bluish-brown sludge and cringed. His face scrunched up in disgust and he hastily passed it back to Pidge. She cackled triumphantly and sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her. She yawned heavily. That caused Keith, then Lance, then Hunk to yawn after her.

"Pidge, when was the last time you slept?" Keith whispered to her.

"Why are you whispering?" she whispered back.

The Small Town: Senior YearWhere stories live. Discover now