I know.

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The Holt's had invited Shiro and Keith over for dinner. It wasn't uncommon, but Colleen had sounded tense over the phone. She had even invited Shiro's fiance Adam. Keith was really happy for his brother when the news was shared with him. Pidge had given him a big hug, too. So far Matt was going to be the best man, obviously, and Keith was going to be one of the groomsmen. Pidge was going to be the flower girl, but Shiro had decided to make her one of the groomsmen as well.

Admittedly, Keith was excited to see her in a dress once more, a rare occurrence, but a welcome one.

When the two brothers and Adam arrived at the neighboring house, Colleen answered the door looking as apprehensive as ever. When they joined the other family, they also found that Lance's mother was there. Colleen told Keith that Lance and Pidge were down playing video games in the basement.

Keith bounded down the stairs and Pidge cheered when she saw him enter the room. Or she cheered because she had just beat Lance at a round of Killbot Phantasm One. He would never know.

"Ha! Get fucked! You owe me a favour! Bitch!" she hollered.

"Kathryn watch your language!" Rosa, Lance's mother, yelled from upstairs. Lance laughed at her. Keith settled on the couch next to Pidge and she pushed him away.

"No, Lance is going to make you distract me from whooping his ass," she said as she button smashed the controller. Keith picked up the controller and joined as player three. He ended up beating Pidge, and then it was Lance and Keith, face to face.

"Lance and Keith, neck and neck. Rivals to the end. Who. Will. Win?" she said like an MMA announcer.

"Me, because you owe me a favour from the last time I beat you." Lance barely spared a glance towards her.

"No way! That's a clear violation of the rule six, put in place by Lance McClain, Kathryn Holt and Hunk Garrett. No player shall interfere with another." Keith was barely paying attention to the two of them, hoping Pidge's argument would distract Lance enough to get him a clear shot at the opponent.

"Yeah, but you're not playing right now," Lance reasoned. "You lost."

Pidge only glared at him for a moment. "Fuck you."

Keith was expecting her to stay still, but when she laid down on him his arm involuntarily went up to make room for her. It went back down and she cried out in pain when his elbow collided with her boob.

"This is why we don't interfere!" she screeched, shooting up and holding her chest. Keith threw down his controller to give her his full attention and make sure she was alright.

"Hell yeah, I win," Lance said proudly, doing a little victory dance. Then he saw the slight tears in Pidge's eyes. "Oh shit, are you actually hurt?"

"I'll be fine, it just hurts like a bitch," she said, wiping her eyes. "It's like getting hit in the nose."

"Yeouch," Lance sympathized.

"Dinner!" Colleen hollered from upstairs. The three teenagers went upstairs and sat in a clump around the table, Pidge between both boys. After everyone was served, and the men were all digging into their food, Keith noticed Pidge, Rosa and Colleen giving each other the odd glance. Pidge looked confused. The two women had concern written on their faces.

"We have quite a bit to tell you," Colleen said after a pregnant pause. She looked between Lance and Pidge. Rosa cleared her throat.

"We've decided to put Lance and Pidge back into dance."

"What!?" Lance and Pidge shrieked. Lance stood up and slapped his hands on the table, and Pidge had to stop his glass from falling over and spilling his soda all over the table. She did, however, have a harsh glare on her face.

The Small Town: Senior YearWhere stories live. Discover now