The Intrusion

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Her footsteps creaked on the wooden floorboards as she creeped around the attic. Below her, in the master bedroom, the mayor turned in her king size bed, disturbed by the noise but desperate to hold onto her sleep. The attic was full of danger, and the fugitive was drawn to it, like a moth to its fiery death.

Creak. Creak.

The mayor rolled around once more and then woke up with a start.

Creak. Creak.

The mayor was wide awake now, adrenaline pulsing through her thick veins. Someone was in her mansion.

Creak. Creak.

The mayor swung her legs around and stood up with a small thud. The fugitive stopped; her heart turned to ice. She froze, becoming just like the statues in the attic beside her. Below her, the mayor walked towards and then up the ladder to the attic.

Thud. Thud.

The fugitive held her breath. The mayor was inches from her face. She could feel the mayor's breath on her skin. Then the mayor stopped short, millimeters now from her nose.

"Hmmm... I need to get back on my medication..." the mayor muttered to herself.

When the mayor left the attic and thudded back down the ladder, the fugitive let out a sigh. Now she would have to wait for the mayor to go to sleep to escape. She couldn't have any more close calls. That time was a little too close for comfort.

The FugitiveWhere stories live. Discover now