The Aftermath

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Sasha panted as she ran from the mayor's house. Mayor Kander was a tough one - it would take more than a break-in to crack her. She had jumped out and broken the window and consequently bolted. The police would get there any second. She grabbed her bike from the side of the pavement and quickly cycled away. The cool twilight gusts whipped her face with he honey-blond bangs. She squinted as she desperately tried to see through her hair. Then...


She had cycled straight into a police car. How had she not heard the siren? Then she blacked out. 

When she woke up, the first thing her brain registered was searing white-hot pain. When her vision focused, she saw two frowning policemen staring down at her. "What are you doing, cycling at this time of the night, heading away from the mayor's house right after a crime?" the first one grumbled. When Sasha pretended to be confused (she was half-conscious but she still had enough sense not to give herself away), the policemen sighed and looked at each other.      "Let's bring her to the station. McGandal will figure out what to do with her." the second one said, rolling his eyes. 

The police yanked her roughly to her feet, not caring about the fact that she could hardly keep her eyes open, let alone stand. She got a ride in a police car for the second time in her life, that night.

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