The Police Station

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I woke up, groggy. The first thing I knew was that there was an explosion of pain at the back of my head. "Ugh, " I moaned. The pain was just too much. I sat up, yesterday's recollection of events coming back to me all at once. I was sitting in  jail cell inside the police station. It was messy, as if someone had ransacked the place, turning it upside down, trying to find something, perhaps. "Well well well... Look who finally woke up, " a gruff voice said in an annoyed tone. I looked at him. It slowly clicked. "You were the one who arrested me, aren't you?" I said.               "Yep, are you not a fast learner?" he replied, a little judgmentally.                              "Where's your buddy?" I asked him.                         "Gone home." he replied, annoyed, clearly not wanting the conversation to continue anymore.              "I see... " I murmured. If I wanted to break out, I would have to do it now. I could see the keys to my cell in the policeman's jeans' pocket. If I could just reach it... "Got any water?" I inquired. Sighing, he got out of his seat and walked over to the water station and slowly filled a plastic cup with water. Walking over to my cell, he said, "Here yer go." He stood in front of the jail cell, the key to my cell dangling out of his pocket, tempting me, hypnotizing me. I was going to escape, and I was going to now. 

Grabbing the cup of water, I took a tentative sip as he watched me closely. I really was thirsty. Then I splashed the rest of the water in his unsuspecting eyes. He shrieked; the water was icy cold, almost too cold to drink. As he blinked in frustration, I quickly swiped the key, unlocked my cell and ran past him, kicking his shin on the way out. "Sorry buddy," I said quietly. Innocents didn't deserve to suffer. I knew that firsthand. But I had to escape. He growled as he watched me escape. He chased me down the quiet street but I had enough experience running away to know how to lose him. I was barely 2 blocks away from the police station when I lost him. Now to find a roof over my head for the night. And then to go to the mayor's house again.

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