Day 1 *the beginning*

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This yellow thing i'm guessing it was a symbol though I did go to school didn't I wouldn't that just dumb after learning about different objects for years...anyways the yellow symbol was really nice and pure I just looked at them. I could tell they weren't all happy I think they were just acting that way somebody made them be happy when they didn't want to they want to let their feelings out...maybe I was overreacting with this so I let it go. We finally got to the room I don't even look around the room,I look at one person and that person is firey how do I know him? Well you know how I said I went to school yep I met him at school he was one of my friends for a while...I don't know why he hates me? He kinda just started dogging me and giving me looks. I probably hurt his feelings or something whatever! I quickly shake my head I just look the other side luckily he didn't see me or remember me? "Okay this is where you'll be staying" the symbol looked happy I swear they were not I shouldn't worry though... "How long will I be staying here?" "okie baii". They closed the door and left... I stared at the door for a while "They didn't even answer my question." I mumbled. I looked at everyone in the white room at least 6 other people besides from me. I tried to not look at douche bag sorry I just get angry ALOT- I dont feel like talking to anyone I don't trust anyone here it just feels like fake people in my mind sometimes. I find a corner and walk on the white bouncy floor. i sit down facing the wall hoping no one would come to me...sigh why can't things go my way sometimes? The coin im guessing a copper coin "Hey...i'm coiny" some of me wanted to say "cool now can you leave me alone?" or ignore him but I didn't I just wanted to have any other enemies. "Hi?" I kinda said rudley honestly if I couldn't like myself why like others...or keep a friendship. "I just wanted to say welcome". I put a fake smile on my face "Thanks..." the coin smirked and walked away to talk to the others. A few hours pass im bored... I would talk to someone but I just don't feel like talking. The symbol came back with one person after the symbol moved a bit the whole room glowed. "This is loser he will be your last roommate'' I think everyone stopped listening to the symbol I think it said something about shots? The cube well loser walked into the room everyone quickly crowded around him. I could tell he was a great person already I wanted to join the crowd but it just felt like a bad's a better idea to try to escape either than be around in the crowd and enjoy myself...right? I saw a little window for I can crawl out of. I tried to crawl up the wall my nails denting the big white wall I was half-not-so way up there but my fingers started to slip. "Uh what are you doing?" I turned around it was a clock. I stayed quiet for a bit "Trying to escape this place". "You know that's not going to work...before you came we already tried to escape it didn't work." I turned back and tried crawling up the wall. The clock started to walk back to the group "Hey why aren't you with the group and why did you even take time to tell me that" He looked confused at first? "I just wanted to tell you it wont work. Plus you are ruining the wall". Time passed and everyone was just talking getting to know eachother or something, I was still trying to climb the walls finding a way out my fingers hurt I could feel them scraping by every time I moved them but I was almost there. I looked fingers couldn't take it no more. Luckily I am a leaf so I slowly fell down but I face planted into the ground. Loser quickly asked if I was okay and I said "Yeah." he invited me to sit where the others are so I took the opportunity and said yes. I still don't trust anyone there but learning a few basic things is good plus i'm probably going to be stuck with all of them for the rest of my life. When everyone stopped talking it was "lights out" as the people outside call it. I started walking to the corner that I was staying in everyone already had they're spots where they slept at. Once everyone layed down the room went pitch black you couldn't see anything except nevermind.

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