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Alex has made up her mind. Magnus was sweet and all but he most certainly was not the guy for her.
He wasn't infamously popular but he certainly had a following. Probably because his father, Frey, was one of the best surgeons of their time and Magnus was to follow suit.
Or maybe it was because Magnus so easily made his way into her thoughts, distracting her from her school work or her art.
So no, Magnus was not the guy for her.


"Alex? You feeling okay?" Sam, her half-sister asked.

Alex turned away from the smiling blonde on the other side of the cafeteria, "Of course I am, just peachy," she remarked turning her attention back to her turkey burger, picking at the sesame seeds on the bun.

Sam gave a concerned look but didn't intrude further as her attention was quickly brought to the teen walking towards their table.

"Amir? Are you done with your shift already?" Sam asked curiously,

He nodded and smiled, sitting across from Sam and next to Alex, "Yeah, dad let me off early," he said, "what's wrong with Alex?" Amir asked after noticing Alex staring off,

"She's stalking Magnus. She won't admit it but i'm pretty sure she has a crush on the poor boy," Sam explained rolling her eyes despite the smile on her face.

Amir just nodded and nudged Alex, "You know, he really likes falafels. Gets them at least three times a week, he didn't come in today so if you just give him this-" he procured a paper bag with "Fad

i hate him more than i hate myselfWhere stories live. Discover now