Capture the Flag

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Alex loved capture the flag. It was his classmates he hated.

They were all big tuff brainless idiots who would tackle the smaller people even if it wasn't necessary. And standing at a solid 5'5, Alex was just about average which saved her from most attacks but not all.

Lucky him, Alex was on a team with some good people. Mallory Keen, James 'Halfborn' Gunderson, Thomas Jefferson Jr., and least favorite of all, Magnus Chase.

Halfborn forced them all to circle up and talk strategy, "I vote we go by force. With Magnus and I'd strength we can take the other teams down in no time," He said wrapping an arm around Magnus' shoulders which Magnus quickly pushed away,

"No you oaf, you two can't take them alone. We wait for them to come to us and then attack them." Mallory retorted,

"How about, and hear me out, we wait for the other teams to come to us, attack them and while we're doing that, Alex can go and capture their flag. He seems capable enough," Magnus said,

Alex stared for a minute. How'd Magnus know he was a boy. It seemed so minuscule, probably was to anyone else. But Alex had to constantly tell Sam or Amir whether he was a he or she was a she, so finally seeing someone he didn't need to tell, was refreshing.

Thomas Jefferson Jr. nodded, "That could work. We're all fairly good at defense but Alex isn't that good at blending in-"

"But Alex is the fastest out of all of us, and can hold his own if thrown into enemy territory," Magnus said patting Alex's back.

"Jeez you guys, it's not like it's a real fight or something, just a PE game, ya know. Not that serious," Alex said in return shrugging his shoulders softly.

Halfborn was about to say something in retaliation but was interrupted by their coach blowing his whistle, signifying the start of the game.


Magnus has just tagged Alex out of the teams jail and they ran back to the their side to stand guard while TJ got another teams flag.

"You're pretty good," Magnus said in attempt to make friendly conversation,

"Yeah, that's the point," Alex said glaring at someone who had gotten to close to the boarder,

Magnus frowned softly, "Thanks for the food earlier, I forgot to bring money for lunch and I'm already in debt to Blitz and Hearth," He said attempting again to start a conversation,

"I'm not the one that got it, it was Amir. Him and my sister are together," Alex said trying to deter Magnus once again,

"Sam's your sister?" He asked confused,

"Half-sister. We don't live together, same dad different moms," Alex explained,

"Oh, that's cool! Sam and I are buddies!" Magnus said happy to finally be getting somewhere,

"Didn't she save you from a dog attack or something like that?"

"Yeah, something like that," Magnus smiled.

"Magnus what are you doing! Tag him!" Halfborn screamed across the field,

"Shit!" Magnus said before chasing after a guy that had grabbed their flag.

Thankfully, Alex was faster. She grabbed the guy and took the flag back from him, "Screw you," he said as the guy walked to the jail.

"Good job dude!" Magnus said giving a toothy grin,

"Yeah, thanks," Alex nodded towards him.

With that PE ended, Alex went to the locker room and changed before going to his last bell of the day.


Alex had been staring off into space before realizing the bell was ringing. He quickly packed up and left the room, sighing as he began the trek home.


He turned and saw Magnus standing down the hall. Magnus ran up to Alex and smiled at him,

"There's this new coffee shop only a few blocks away, Blitz and Hearth are busy and i don't really invite the others to thing anymore, they get hectic."

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