Coffee shop

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"There's this new coffee shop only a few blocks away, Blitz and Hearth are busy and i don't really invite the others to thing anymore, they get hectic."

"Oh, I don't know..It might be out of the way for me so-"

"I could walk you home after. If you're worried about anything," Magnus said trying his best not to sound to eager,

Alex chuckled a little, "I'm not worried about that, I can hold my own Magnus. I just mean it probably wouldn't be the best for me to come home late," He said shrugging his shoulders,

"Don't worry, I wont keep you to long. Just grab some coffee and then walk home, Only thirty minutes." Magnus began giving up,

"You drive a hard bargain, Magnus, but fine. I'll go but you're paying," Alex turned on his heels and waved his hand for Magnus to follow, "lets go bud!"

Magnus quickly walked next to Alex, his hands in his pockets as he matched Alex's quick short steps with longer strides. As they walked out of the school the warm air hit their faces as a sign that spring was coming soon. Magnus pointed out where to turn and after only about ten minutes they reached the coffee shop.

They got into the short line and Alex admired the interior design of the shop. The dark brown, almost black walls matched with the wood paneling that made up the wall behind the counter. Plants and lights were hanging from the ceiling. The mixture of plush and wooden chairs gave it the feel that it could hold a business proposal or a chat among friends.

Only one thing was missing, "They need some more art," Magnus said, taking the words right out of his mouth, "Hey, you're an artist. Maybe you could paint something for them!"

Alex kept a blush down, "Nah, I'm better at pottery anyway. And how'd you know that, we're not even friends-"

"I told you Sam and I are friends," Alex gave Magnus a kind of look that said 'stop kidding yourself' and Magnus shook his head, "fine I saw your art work when I was dropping off papers in the art room."

"Oh, now see that seems more believable." said Alex as he moved his gaze up to the menu, "What are you going to get?" He asked,

"Large coffee, black and a chocolate scone. It should be good but even if this shop ends up sucking, It's hard to mess up black coffee, you?"

"Well I can make coffee anytime I want so I think I'm going to get a matcha  latte and strawberry pastry." Alex looked down from the menu and back at Magnus,

"Pink and green, your colors." Magnus said before coming to the front of the line and giving their orders.

They waited for around ten minutes before they got the drinks and food. They walked out and Alex thanked Magnus for the coffee and scone before leaving, walking down the street.

"Want me to walk you home?" Magnus asked as he caught up to Alex,

"Hell no. If my father saw me with some guy, he'd blow a gasket, I mean his precious daughter out with some son of a-"

"I thought you were a guy today, doesn't your dad know that?"

"Does your dad know you're gay? and stop interrupting me." Alex redirected the conversation to Magnus

"Whoa whoa whoa. Hold on, I'm not gay. Just because I don't have a girlfriend or anything doesn't mean I like guys. Not that I'm not supportive of it, I mean who am I to judge? It's not my life and you can't judge someone based on who they like, unless they like a serial killer, than you can judge but-"

"Stop rambling man, You just gave off the vibe, sorry for assuming." Alex patted Magnus' back softly, "Anyway's this is my place so, see you around I guess," Alex waved before walking up the steps to the luxury apartment building that Alex called home.

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