Luck X Reader

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This was requested by MyDeathMarch Hope you enjoy!

Okay! Things were starting to get really weird now! Ever since the Elf incident, Luck has been practically attached to your hip! He was always around commenting about how amazing you were and how much he loved to watch you fight. However, not once has he ever requested to fight you himself. In face every time you asked he downright refused. This struck as odd with the entire squad.

"Your light magic is so awesome Y/N!" You turned to face the excited boy. "Thanks Luck! We should really spar sometime." He turned away from you and began to walk off. "Nah! I wouldn't stand a chance against you Y/N!" And with that he was gone. You clenched your fists together and held them at your sides. "What is his deal?!?! I don't understand it!" A gentle hand rested on your shoulder. You turned to see Vanessa looking down at you. "It is quite strange but I think I know what's going on. Let me see if I can talk to him." She walked away leaving you completely baffled.

Vanessa made her way to Luck's room and opened the door, not even bothering to knock. "What's up kid?!" Luck turned to face her and grinned. "Nothing much Vanessa! Wanna fight?!" Lightning began to spark around the young boys body. Vanessa waved her hands frantically in front of her body. "No way! However, I do want to talk about Y/N." Almost instantly a blush lifted its way to Luck's face, causing a grin to appear on Vanessa's. "I knew it! You like her don't you? That's why you won't fight her! You don't want to hurt her!" Luck sat down on the edge of his small bed. "I don't just like her. I love her. I have ever since you all saved me from the Elf that was inside of me. I remember her telling me that there was no way she was gonna let me go. Ever since she's been all I think about. I am completely and hopelessly in love with her Vanessa and I don't think I can ever tell her."

Vanessa just stood there in silence unsure of what to say at his confession. You stood right outside his door and heard the whole conversation. Luck Voltia was in love with you. You had admired the young boy but you didn't believe it was possible that someone as skilled as him could like you much less love you. You took the door knob in your hand and turned it quickly throwing the door open. Both Vanessa and Luck jolted their head towards you. "Welp kiddos I do believe this is where I make my leave! Catch ya later!" Vanessa quickly bolted from the room leaving just the two of you.

Luck lowered his head towards the ground, not having the courage to face you. "So I'm guessing you heard all of that didn't you Y/N? Look I'm sorry. I promise that I won't let..." By this point you had sat down next to Luck and took his face in your hands, quickly silencing him with your lips. He stiffened next to you but quickly relaxed melting into the kiss. His arms went to your waist as you both slowly broke away from each other. You just smiled at the boy. "I love you too ya goof! I realized it when you turned against us. I was so scared that we were going to lose you and that would have killed me. Seriously though you better fight me sometime or I'm gonna be really upset!" Luck just laughed and you broke out laughing with him. You both just sat there unaware of the small audience you had outside in the hall.

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