William X Reader

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This is for otaku_love_anime !! Hope you love it!

"Watch where your going you stupid girl! Your so useless! Nothing but a waste of space." This wouldn't be the first time you had heard those words. However, no matter how many times you had heard them they never hurt any less. You were currently on the ground with an older boys boot pressing on your chest. This was the third time this week you had been bullied by this same group of boys and it was really starting to get old. You tried to get up but with no luck. The boys laughed at your struggling. "Leave her alone!" You turned your head slightly to see a skinny boy with scars on his face run up and shove the boy who was on top of you. He fell to the ground and the other two quickly helped him up. The boys quickly grabbed the one who rescued you and threw him to the ground and proceeded to hit him. "Hey now break it up!!" An adult quickly jumped in and broke up the fight.

Everyone left and it was just you and the boy there. You walked slowly over to him and knelt down beside him. "Thank you for rescuing me. You didn't have to. I'm Y/N nice to meet you." You held out your hand to the older boy and he shook it. "And my name is William."

Nineteen years later and you still remember that incident like it was yesterday. You had looked up to William ever since that day. Shortly after however he vanished and nobody knew where he was. You yearned for him and missed him terribly all those years. Whenever the new squad named Golden Dawn was formed you had heard the captains name was William. You were curious if this was the same William from all those years ago but you dismissed it. There was no way it was him. How quickly you were proved wrong. One day after you had joined the Golden Dawn you walked into his office without knocking and saw him without his mask on. The second his face turned to you that day you knew! This was your William. Ever since you had been completely avoiding him. Only talking to him when you had to. Seeing him after all these years made you realize something. You were madly in love with him and had been for who knows how long.

"Y/N are you okay?" You quickly turned to face Mimosa Vermillion. You nodded your head. "Yeah I'm fine just got a lot on my mind." She instantly began poking you in the side. "Like the captain?!" You jumped up and starting stuttering uncontrollably. "No!!! I swear it's not..." she stood up and just smiled. "Don't be silly Y/N we all know your in love with him. The only person who doesn't know is the captain himself!" Heat began to flood your cheeks and had to leave the room. You apologized to Mimosa and walked down the hall. You turned the corner a little too quick and walked head first into a firm chest. You looked up slowly only to come eye to eye with the very man that was just in your conversation.

Your C/E met his purple ones and you slowly backed away from him. "Are you alright Y/N?" Heat flooded your cheeks once more and you ran the other direction without saying a word to your captain. William just stood there watching your retreating figure as you ran. Klause, Yuna, and Mimosa walked up to the captain curious as to why he was just standing there. "Do you all understand why she does that. I swear I think she hates me." The three just giggled and the captain looked at them questioningly. "Do you really not get it captain?" Mimosa said. William continued to hold confusion in his eyes. Klause piped up. "The girl is in love with you sir. And has been for quite some time if I may add. I'm surprised you haven't noticed. Everyone else did."

William's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you being serious? Y/N is...in love with me?" Mimosa nodded her head. "Yup! She told me you saved her from a bunch of bullies when she was young. Your the reason why she joined the Golden Dawn. So she could be near you again sir!" William stood there for a moment before walking in the direction that you had went. He walked and contemplated all the information that he had just received. Now that Mimosa brought it up he had remembered you. Your actions over the past few months made total sense. The way you would blush when he caught you looking at him, or how you wouldn't make eye contact with him when he talked to you. It wasn't because you hated him. It was because you loved him and didn't know how to express it. How could he have been so blind to it.

You sat in the central garden just admiring the irises. They were your favorite part of the entire garden. You were so focused on them that you didn't hear the footsteps walking up behind you. A figure sat down beside you, almost scaring you. You turned quickly to face nine other than your captain. "Captain Vangeance! You scared me!" It took you a moment to fully catch your breath. "My apologies Y/N it wasn't my intention." You sat there in silence not knowing what to say. A hand enveloped yours and a blush graced your face. "I remember you Y/N. It took Mimosa telling me why you were here, but I remember you. I also am aware of your feelings towards me." His grip on your hand tightened. "I'm so sorry Captain. It was incredibly unprofessional of me to develop these feelings for you. I promise that I won't let it interfere with my work." You heard him chuckle and you turned to face him just in time to see a smile grace his lips. "You silly woman." He let go of your hand and placed it on your cheek. Without warning he brought his face to yours, kissing you. Your eyes widened in surprise but you quickly gave into the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck and his went to your waist. You pulled away slowly and gazed into his eyes. "I love you William." He smiled before kissing me gently on the nose. "I know. I'm sorry I was so blind. I should have realized sooner. I love you too, Y/N." You smiled before he embraced you in a strong hug. Neither of you noticed the three sets of eyes smiling in the entrance of the garden. Nor did you care. In this moment you were the happiest girl in the world. And nothing could take that away from you.

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