Nozel x Reader

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This one is for otaku_love_anime !! Sorry it was so late girl! Things have been crazy for me. This will be in readers POV

"Hey Noelle! How are you?!" I flew to the Black Bulls base to visit my good friend. I hadn't seen her since the invasion on the capital and those weren't very good circumstances to be socializing. "I'm doing well! How about you Y/N?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Honestly I would be doing better if Solid and Nebra didn't get on my ever loving nerves. Honestly I can't believe they're your siblings. You all are absolutely nothing alike." The mood immediately dropped and Noelle turned away from me. I placed my hand on her shoulder gently. "Did something happen Noelle?"

She turned to me slowly and recounted the happenings of the capital. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Solid poured his drink on Noelle and Nebra just laughed. And of course Nozel did nothing. This type of behavior had gotten under my skin before but this was icing on the cake. I had to talk to Nozel about this. It was uncalled for. "Don't you worry Noelle I'll take care of this." Without another word I hopped on my broom and took off. I could hear Noelle calling after me but I was too frustrated to stop now. I had been in the Silva family for years and never once did I approve of the way they treated Noelle. I hopped off of my broom and was immediately met with an annoying sight. "It's about time you show your face Y/N..." I was in no mood to hear it.

"Shut up Solid. Where's Nozel?" Solid looked taken back slightly before he just pointed to his brothers office window. I guess he knew I was upset. I began making my way to his office and I couldn't help but think of how things had changed over the years. I was a member of the Silver Eagles. Didn't even have to go through selection because Nozel knew what I was capable of. I remember the day he asked me to join like it was yesterday.

I was sitting at the table preparing documents that I needed for the Magic Knight Selection Exam. A knock could be heard at the door followed by my mothers voice. "Y/N, Nozel is here for you." I stood up and made my way to the door where he was. "Good morning Y/N. Are you well?" I nodded my head as he guided me outside. "So Nozel, captain of the Silver Eagles, what brings you here?" I stood in front of him with a smile on my face. I was surprised when he reached for me to push a strand of hair out from my face. A small tint of pink dusted his face. "I came because I want you to join the Silver Eagles. I've already talked it over with the Wizard King. You won't even have to go through selection." I thought on his proposal for a moment before agreeing that I would join his squad.

That was two years ago. And over time I realized that my feelings for Nozel grew despite his cold demeanor. I made it to his office and nocked. "Who is it?" His voice resonated on the other side of the door. "It's Y/N can I come in?" Silence could be heard before the door opened and I stepped inside his office. He walked around me and sat at his desk once more. "So, Y/N what can I do for you." I lowered my head to the floor for a moment as I gathered my words.

"I want you all to stop being assholes to Noelle!" He seemed taken back by this but his shocked expression was gone as soon as it came. "How we treat our sister is none of your business Y/N." Anger began to boil through me. "Well I consider her like a little sister to me so I'm making it my business. I don't want to be rude to you Nozel but please I'm begging you. She's your family. She doesn't deserve to be treated like..." he stood up from his desk and glared at me. "Why are you so adamant about this Y/N? It doesn't concern you." I clenched my fist at my side. "I'm so adamant because I'm in love with you! You idiot!! And I don't want to be in love with someone who can't even respect their own family."

I quickly turned on my heel and walked towards the door only to be stopped by a firm hand around my wrist. "Let me go Nozel I mean it." I tried to jerk away from him but instead he pulled me into his arms. 'Well this is new.' I thought to myself. He put one arm around my shoulders and the other around my waist. He lowered his head to rest on top of mine. I felt him lay a soft kiss on my head. "I'm sorry Y/N. I never thought about how this may be affecting you. I will speak to Solid and Nebra but I cannot guarantee that their actions will change. Although I'm sure you know this." I nodded, but refused to move. "Umm Nozel? Why are you holding me like this." He turned me to him and tilted my head to look at him. "I love you, Y/N. And now that I know that you feel the same. I'm not letting you go." He swiftly dove in to claim my lips. His kiss was soft but firm. He pulled away from me and gave me a soft smile. One I knew the world would never see. I laid my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist. He pulled me as close as possible and we just stood there. Unaware of the other Silva siblings who were on the other side of the door. "About time." They both said in unison as they walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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