Bloody Mess

22 3 0


Snow: Hmm...

Nightmare Soldier 1: GET BACK HERE!

Snow: !

Snow throws a blood bomb into the Nightmare Soldier's eyes.


Nightmare Soldier: Ugh!

Snow: Grrr! *Jumps at the Nightmare Soldier and slashes its throat*

Nightmare Soldier 1: *Falls to the ground while choking, then dies*

Snow: Screw you!

Snow runs past and goes into a different room.

Snow: Where's the exit?!

Nightmare Soldier 2: OI!

Nightmare Soldier 3: Come here!

Snow: How about no!

The two Nightmare Soldiers run at Snow.

Snow: *Melts into a blood puddle*

Nightmare Soldiers: ?

Snow: *Jumps out and stabs two blood knives into their eyes*

Nightmare Soldiers: *Markplier scream*

The two Nightmare Soldiers die.

Snow: Hmph. *Runs off*

Nightmare Soldier 4: *Catches Snow*

Snow: Ah!

Nightmare Soldier 4: You're coming with me!

Snow: *Spits blood into his eyes*

Nightmare Soldier 4: Oof!

Snow: *Summons a blood scythe and decapitates the Nightmare Soldier* Grrr! Leave me alone!

Nightmare Soldier 5/6/7: GET OVER HERE!

Snow: 360 NO-SCOPE! *Starts spinning*

Snow starts slashing the Nightmare Soldiers with her blood scythe as she spins.

Nightmare Soldier 5: OOF!

Nightmare Soldier 6: GAH!

Nightnare Soldier 7: AGH!

Snow: *Throws three blood bombs*


Nightmare Soliders: We r ded.

Snow: Hehe...

???: SNOW!

Snow: ! *Turns around*

Nightmare Soldier Commander: You little shit!

Snow: Grrr!

Nightmare Soldier Commander: You will pay!

Snow: No, I don't think I will.

The Nightmare Soldier Commander summons its sword.

Nightmare Soldier Commander: Get over here, or I will make you!

Snow: You'll have to make me!

Nightmare Soldier Commander: Once you're back to Lapis, you're DEAD!

Snow: Go ahead and try to beat me.

Snow and the Nightmare Soldier Commander start fighting.

Snow: *Slashes the Nightmare Soldier Commander three times*

Nightmare Soldier Commander: Agh!

Snow: *Kicks it in the pingas*

Nightmare Soldier Commander: OOF!

Snow: *Whips him in the face with her tail*

Nightmare Soldier Commander: Ugh!

The Nightmare Soldier Commander slashes Snow's face with his sword.

Snow: Agh!

Nightmare Soldier Commander: *Slams Snow to the ground*

Snow: Oof!

Snow spits blood at his eyes. The Nightmare Soldier Commander shields his eyes from the blood.

Snow: Grrr!

Nightmare Soldier Commander: You may think you're powerful, but you're actually very weak!

The Nightmare Soldier Commander pins Snow to a wall and holds his sword to her neck.

Snow: Ack!

Snow tries to break out but can't.

Snow: Urgh...

Nightmare Soldier Commander: D'aww... You trapped?

Snow: Grrr...

Nightmare Soldier Commander: Gonna cry for your fake mother to come help you?

Snow: . . .

Nightmare Soldier Commander: *Evil grin*

Snow: ... *Melts into a blood puddle*

Nightmare Soldier Commander: Wha- HEY!

Snow jumps out of the puddle behind the Nightmare Soldier Commander and stabs his ass with her blood scythe.

Nightmare Soldier Commander: *Homer Simpson scream*

Snow: *Slashes his face several times with her blood knife*

Nightmare Soldier Commander: Oof!

Snow: *Summons a second blood knife and keeps slashing the Nightmare Soldier Commander*

Nightmare Soldier Commander: Agh!

Snow: No... I'm not gonna call her. Instead...

Snow grabs the Nightmare Soldier Commander.

Nightmare Soldier Commander: Hey-

Snow: *Stabs the Nightmare Soldier Commander multiple times, then slashes up his stomach, spraying blood*

Nightmare Soldier Commander: UGH!

Snow uses the blood to create a giant scythe, then kicks the Nightmare Soldier Commander up and stabs it through his chest, spraying more blood.

Nightmare Soldier Commander: OOF!

Snow uses THAT blood to create a thin sword, then throws it through the Nightmare Soldier Commander's mouth, spraying even more blood.

Nightmare Soldier Commander: GAH!!!

The Nightmare Soldier Command hits the ground, dead.

Snow: ...Asshole.

Snow twirls her blood knife.

Snow: Now to find the exit.

Snow runs off.

(Damn... That was bloody...)

A little shorter chapter, but I hope you still enjoyed it!

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