It's Still Not Over...

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Snow spits a few purple clouds into the air.

Everyone: ?

The clouds come together, forming a spirit of Delta in her second form, glowing purple.

Smesh: WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!

Luna: ... *Sheds a tear*

Infinite: Delta...! You bastard...!

Snow: *Delta's voice* LISTEN UP!

Everyone: ?!

Snow: *Delta's voice* From now on, you guys get NO chance to attack! I'm gonna hit you all with an attack barrage! HERE YOU GO!

Snow spits two purple clouds, hitting Smesh and Cristina.

Smesh: BLEH!

Cristina: BLEH!

Smesh and Cristina get poisoned.

Infinite: Bestie!

Crystal: Cristina!

Jen: I got them!

Jen runs to the couple and starts healing them.

Turlandb: We gotta avoid the clouds!

Blizzard runs at Snow.

Snow: *Holds out her hand, freezing Blizzard in place*

Blizzard: What the?!

Snow: *Delta's voice* Hahaha! Sorry! No attacking!

Snow throws Blizzard away.

Blizzard: OOF!

Luna: Snow! Listen to me! Snap out of it!

Snow: *Delta's voice* SILENCE, WOLFAL!

The Delta spirit above Snow commands her to some purple clouds at Luna.

Luna: Ah!

Luna dodges the three clouds.

Luna: Whoa...!

The purple clouds do a 180 and accidently smack into the Delta spirit, actually harming her.

Snow: *Growls in Delta's voice*

Luna: :o

Crystal: I see... Dodging the clouds makes them hit the spirit! We don't need to attack Snow!

The Delta spirit commands Snow to spit some purple clouds into the air.

Turlandb: What the...?

The purple clouds start raining from the sky.

Machito: Watch out!

Out of reflexes, Infinite deflects a purple cloud at Snow.

Luna: WAIT!

Snow reacts and swats the purple cloud upwards, unknowingly hitting the Delta spirit and harming her.

Infinite: Oh!

Flame: So not only does dodging the clouds work...

Splendid: Deflecting them back at Snow will make her react and swat them at the spirit...

Jacqueline: Both harming her!

Snow: *Delta's voice* SHUT UP!!!

The Delta spirit keeps commanding Snow to spit purple clouds.

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