Mini Chapter: Reinforcements

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Back with the heroes...

Luna: ...

Infinite: You okay, Sweetpea?

Luna: ... *Sigh* I'm just still extremely upset about Snow...

Infinite: *Hugs Luna* Don't worry, Luna... We'll get her back...

Luna: *Hugs back*

Flame: Just where the hell is she?

Luna: I had a telepathic conversation with Snow earlier. She doesn't know where she's at, but it seems like a secret base that Lapis lives in.

Turlandb: Oof...

Crystal: Is she okay...?

Luna: Yeah, she's fine... She's been fighting off Nightmare Soldiers all day. She told me she was getting tired, so I told her to drink that energy drink I gave her a little while ago to keep her energy up.

Jen: That's good.

Smesh: At least we know she's okay.

Cristina: I would hate to see anything horrible happen to her...

Machito: We won't allow that to happen!

Infinite: Damn right! We will rescue Snow!

Terminator T-750: *Nods*

Luna: Let's go!

???: NOT without us, bitches!

Everyone: ?

Everyone turns around.

Lexi: Heya!

Uni: Hi!

LM SMG4: *Waves*

Blizzard: ...What's up?

Turlandb: Eyyy!

Cristina: We got reinforcements!

Blizzard: *Twirls his scythe* I wanna help kill that racist bitch. And help Coldielocks.

Luna: *D E A T H S T A R E I N T E S I F I E S*

Blizzard: *Head shrinks* I-I mean, Snow...

Luna: G o o d .

Lexi: I also wanna help kill her. :D

LM SMG4: ...Me too. I'll introduce myself later.

Uni: I'm only here because Lexi forced me to... ;-;

Lexi: Come on, Uni! Fighting a war is fun! :D

Uni: Whatever you say...

Luna: ...Anyways... Thanks for joining! Let's go!


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